D) manages data entry staff. B) Renew standards. C) His action is wrong, because the man would not want the grocer to steal from him. Question 1. B) customer perspective D) preventing client computers from accepting cookies. B) human resources A) Web beacon C) identifying the options you can reasonably take. E) Machines. Using the above example, you can transform the basic goal of decreasing invoice errors by answering the following questions: On top of giving you clear goals to strive for, being this comprehensive will help you assess your improvement efforts over time. Question: Order fulfillment involves all of the following business processes Except: ______________ making customers aware of the product submitting the order checking the customer's credit shipping the product assembling the product Question 18 1 Point According to agency theory, the firm is viewed as E) innovation and learning perspective, ________ perspective helps top management focus on what the organization must excel at to effectively meet its financial objectives and customers' expectations. He is distraught and anxious about how he will pay his bills and make ends meet. D) to actually see the sequence of suppliers that contribute to a product B) incremental Learn how Brixly instantly achieved a positive ROI after introducing Helpjuice to their customer service processes. B) big data. Issue and defect management procedures. B) quality. E) innovation. A) Profiling A) evaluating the firm's internal and external situation. In addition, it is the follower who either rejects . Factor # 1. Working with your team, you can then begin further prioritizing each of these areas for improvement and thinking about how youll make it happen. B) incremental B) As a major cost center, it is important to pay attention to the sourcing, shipping, and warehousing. D) Financial Better yet, youll be allocating resources more effectively allowing your team to squeeze even more value out of them than youd anticipated. These factors after being figured out are grouped into strengths and weaknesses of the company. On top of achieving immediate results, this also opens the door for even more powerful improvements at every step. D) The Internet Unlike EEFs, project teams have some control over OPAs and can amend these processes as the project progresses or with lessons learned upon project closure. Organizational size The larger an organization becomes, the more complicated its structure. C) longer cycle times Develop a chart depicting this information and write a paragraph summarizing the results. A) Improved efficiency A) taking corrective action Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a successful control system? B) P3P C) Because national economies are more interconnected, if one takes a downturn all take a downturn. C) financial B) customer satisfaction Values that influence decision-making. Information systems enhance core competencies by: A) internal business D) fixed Which of the following is not a U.S. federal law affecting private institutions? D) A department store creating specialized products for preferred customers. In many cases, your team may have simply gotten used to the way we do things around here and might never give a second thought to how much better things could be. In the beginning M&Ms were all brown; more recently they were produced in red, green, blue, orange, brown, and yellow. D) Enabling cost-effective e-business processes D) the Golden Rule Which of the following is a primary function of management? C) Maps Self-Concept. Even worse, forcing a change your team isnt prepared to make can potentially disrupt your operations altogether causing more harm than good to your business. An information system could never hinder an organization's business capabilities. The Internet increases the bargaining power of customers by: A) the CEO. D) process The Follower. B) Phishing A) HIPAA A: Enterprise organizational assets B: Environmental process assets C: Environmental enterprise constraints D: Enterprise environmental factors Question 18: The collection of generally sequential and . C) PGP D) taking corrective action Why? B) Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act C) Range of variation Along the same line, strategically improving your business processes will help keep your team error-free and will reduce the damage caused when things do go wrong. A) employee satisfaction ratings Practically speaking, it can lead to better internal communication and company culture in direct and indirect ways. TQM's two core principles are Recently productivity has been declining globally. D) innovation and learning E) producing effective long-term results, A) ignoring the more important and difficult activities. C) to recognize and reinforce positive performance D) defect rates, 16) Measures of the balanced scorecard's learning-and-growth perspective include: A) expertise area B) goods and services produced, divided by labor, capital, energy, and materials. Below are four factors influencing these local government financial decisions. Well that is the line I would erase. D) influences the work process and levels of employee performance. True or False. C) Opt-out program D) Manufacturing and production Both quantitative and qualitative data is needed to understand the full context of the issue at hand. An internal process is any operation that takes place within your organization on behalf of your business, for business purposes. D) financial perspective, 22) Manufacturing cycle efficiency is an example of a balanced-scorecard measure of the: E) ethical. Regardless of the specifics, your efforts to improve should adhere to the following. E) business intelligence. D) fixed budget. Examples of external factors include the following: Technology innovations and changes; Competition; Economic trends; Government policies and legislation Spam is legally defined as any e-mail that is unsolicited. B) customer satisfaction True or False. D) Spyware D) customer training on new products, 14) Measures of the balanced scorecard's internal-business-process perspective include: A) more suppliers. This means embracing the idea that the status quo is mere table stakes at all times and that its always possible to do more in some way. E) Secondary activities, Malicious software that is installed secretly on your computer by other applications and that tracks your online movements is called spyware. Although many things can affect the choice of an appropriate structure for an organization, the following five factors are the most common: size, life cycle, strategy, environment, and technology. B) Reengineering B) MIS A) e-mail encryption. C) time taken to deliver product to customers This situation is an example of which barrier to successful control? C) multidimensional E) violation of a monopoly on the ideas behind a product. Charlotte is trying to measure her salon's productivity during the first quarter. These include (1) self-concept, (2) cognitive structure, (3) response salience, and (4) previous experience with the individual. The Theory of Constraints is all about identifying the root cause of a performance issue then working relentlessly to remove this main problem for good. A) operating C) organizing. C) production schedule C) monthly. The organization's processes and procedures for conducting praject work during Executing Monitoring, and Controlling include all of the following EXCEPT A B. C. D. Change control procedure. A) low-cost leadership, substitute products and services, customers; and suppliers. E) the "no free lunch" rule. ", B) "I was able to learn from this experience. B) End-user An information systems manager: Business processes are typically unaffected by changes in information systems. Which of the following is part of Deming's PDCA cycle? C) translating the mission into strategic goals. A strategy map helps employees to feel engaged because it shows how their work contributes to organizational effectiveness. The idea is that this more quantitative stance will lead to more consistent performance, which in turn leads to more stable and predictable results. A(n) ________ represents the profits or losses incurred by an organization. C) allows easy comparison of different departments doing different activities. With a knowledge base, you can allow your customers to self-help themselves, thus reducing your customer support by up to 60%. A) E-commerce is affected by the law of diminishing returns. Internal processes are an aspect of the balanced scorecard method, which is a performance metric an organization can use to identify areas that may need improvement. A) market share C) quality improvement, training, and customer satisfaction. C) an intranet. D) too much control All efforts to improve your business processes must be backed by no, driven by data and other hard evidence. B) emphasizing development and improvement. D) time taken to replace defective products. Firms should do all of these things to balance the conflicting demands of being agile in a dynamic environment EXCEPT: Create a culture of complacency to counter the dynamic environment Goals are formulated as a result of: balancing stakeholder demands and internal political processes Olivia is the go-to person at her company for quick turnarounds and short-term projects. Due to their inconsistent nature, it can be near impossible to say whether a process is or isnt working as well as it could be or to identify when certain processes just arent working at all.). If someone were to ask you what your company does, youd probably launch into a quick elevator pitch about your product, service, and value prop. B) economic value added D) Customer intimacy D) evaluation. C) number of new customers If one element brings positive effects to company, it is considered as strength. They kept us so isolated that we never even met the clients." Ask yourself: (Note: You may already have this background info in hand from previous steps.). Charging less for superior products Which of the five moral dimensions of the information age do the central business activities of DoubleClick involve? B) direct B) Apple's iPod and iTunes. Data is information that has been shaped into a form that is meaningful to human beings. True or False, A(n) ________ is typically a major source of data for other systems. Tactical control is performed mainly by D) Because companies are more focused on engaging in self-development and organizational citizenship. On top of considering the severity of the myriad issues youre facing, you also want to think about: Similarly, consider the downside of not taking action on your operations and on your business. D) variable A) assets. Order fulfillment involves all of the following business processes except: E) CKO, According to ________, you should take the action that produces the least harm. B) market niche What signs should she watch for from him? A) setting realistic performance results. C) systems analyst. C) the utilitarian principle B) changing conditions. Araceli has a new manager who she suspects might be a micromanager. True or False, One example of a business process is shipping a product to a customer. B) functional E) monitoring. Many professors complained that their time would be better spent preparing for their courses. A) measurement of quantifiable goals and quick corrections. C) to save companies in payroll costs C) on the ISP's servers. What will you advise as the first step? E) inflexible to optimize control. This theory holds that we learn all our behaviors from interacting with our environment. A) e-commerce. C) employee education B) Best practices All of the following are new technology-related trends in MIS except: Thomas Friedman's description of the world as "flat" refers to: D) an increase in operating income from increased profit margins, 26) Managers need to evaluate the success of a strategy by: q = p(r + s), for p. Which of the following statements about business processes is not true? True or False. One characteristic of incremental budgeting is that it An informal group can be considered to be an organization. C) ero-based Management accounting is an integral part of the management process. A) structural C) employee-satisfaction ratings D) financial perspective D) customer-retention percentage, 17) Measures of the balanced scorecard's learning-and-growth perspective include all of the following EXCEPT: The U.S. Department of Commerce developed a ________ framework in order to enable U.S. businesses to legally use personal data from EU countries. E) replication of business models in multiple countries. A) internal business process perspective D) the mobile digital platform. A sales forecast is an example of an organizational control from the ________ area. Want to learn more? All of the following are steps in the process for analyzing an ethical issue except: A) suppliers. E) They require controls at many different points. Mistletoe still has control problems, however, because its managers refuse to act on the information they receive. B) benchmarking. True or Fale, Which of the following substitute products would be of most concern for a cable TV distributor? D) personality tests D) control chart With the right data in hand, you can be nearly certain that the changes you make to your processes will lead to better and better things for your business. A) overemphasis on one instead of multiple approaches D) overemphasis on one instead of multiple approaches. D) cost reductions, 12) Measures of the balanced scorecard's customer perspective include: B) Trademark law E) Controlling the supply chain means it can be used to monitor employees and assess job satisfaction, engagement, and leadership. E) too much flexibility. B) His action is acceptable, because the higher social value is the survival of the family. B) As a major cost center, it is important to pay attention to the sourcing, shipping, and warehousing. C) They are detecting opportunities and increasing innovation. B. In addition, he . Note that, while some of these causes may be rather quick to fix, others may require a more formalized BPI approach, themselves. This problem is typical of ________ control. D) an increase in operating income from productivity gains, Riter Corporation manufactures water toys. Then, researchers became more interested in the internal processes that affect behavior instead of just the behavior itself. Techniques for improving quality include all of the following EXCEPT A) Identify the business ecosystem the distributor is But there are a few steps between improving business processes and improving business performance that are worth calling attention to. E) market share. Now, you can begin working with your team to create an improvement plan and put it into action. will have a direct impact on their overall experience with your brand. C) Digital firms offer extraordinary opportunities for flexible global organization and management. She is very excited, but nervous to now be the boss of several of her colleagues. C) operational D) Business processes are usually ensconced in an organization's culture. C) external audit. Our pilot agents are able to find information in a timely manner. D) The Internet enables the production or sales of substitute products or services. Jared Spool is arguably the most well-known name in the field of design and user experience. The supervisor observed him while he tried it again and gave suggestions for improvement. A) operational A) capturing. True or False. C) MIS An internal process is any operation that takes place within your organization on behalf of your business, for business purposes. B) TPS A) to help employees understand how their work contributes to the company's goals D) Senior management A) Span of exception As you go, note any discrepancies you discover, as this will give you a head start on future improvements. E) They are decentralizing decision making. One of the most impactful internal factors is the owners, shareholders, and sometimes the executive management team. Motivation: Motivation is the primary force that drives a person to action. D) the RATER system. E) Set up a strategic transition, The inventors of a disruptive technology typically benefit the most from the technology; it is rare that fast followers catch up quickly. A) employee education and skill level Although everyone is different, some financial concerns are common to or typical of the different stages of adult life. Its these ongoing tasks that make your company what it is and that determine how successful your company can be. E) data use policies. A) uses networks to link people, assets, and ideas. These types of regulations influence every process of the HR department, including hiring, training, compensation, termination, and much more. A) It tells the story of a company's strategy by articulating a sequence of cause-and-effect relationships. T E) low-cost leadership, You are consulting for a natural food products distributor who is interested in determining the benefits it could achieve from implementing new information systems. C) middle managers. Role Perception 5. B) The opt-in model C) a cycle using observed data for continuous improvement of operations To achieve this goal . Internal impacts The internal factors refer to anything within the company and under the control of the company no matter they are tangible or intangible. C) decentralized E) Stop by everyone's cubicles often and ask to see their work, so they know you are still part of the team. E) fostering synergies among departments. So, to start with, improving your business processes will all but ensure youre actually using your resources as youd anticipated. Which of the following is a private corporate network extended to authorized users outside the organization? A) cash flow statement. As time goes on, its important to keep close tabs on your teams efforts to improve. 1. This data analysis should come before youve drawn a conclusion not as a way to rationalize a decision after the fact. In countries where the public does not have a significant amount of influence over the system of taxation, that system may reflect more closely the values of those in power. Internal business processes influence all of the following EXCEPT True or False, The use of computers to assemble data from different sources to create digital dossiers of detailed information about individuals is known as which of the following? True or False, An ESS supports which of the following? B) technology, people, culture, and structure. Which of the following more closely aligns with a job versus a career? D) flexible and encourages self-control C) Internet shopping produces cost transparency. True or False, Some forms of illegal sharing of music files have declined as legitimate online music stores have expanded. True or False, Operational managers use ESS primarily to solve specific problems. D) provides entirely Internet-driven services or virtual products. A) A safe harbor True or False. D) decentralized Join over 1000+ companies already growing with Helpjuice. A) unrealistic standards. C) Value chain analysis The purpose of knowledge base software is to allow you to host your knowledge base/corporate wiki in one centralized 'hub'. It's also important to monitor any external environmental factors that can affect how the business functions as well as develop methods for overcoming these challenges. Internal Process: views the quality and efficiency of an organization's performance related to the product, services, or other key business processes Organizational Capacity (or Learning & Growth): views human capital, infrastructure, technology, culture, and other capacities that are key to breakthrough performance Learn more E) controlling productivity. C. Use domineering influence. (This is most important when making changes to high-stakes processes, like customer service or accounting.). E) liabilities. A) strategy D) safety. D) "Whatever my next job is, please make it with a manager who cares about his employees and not just the bottom line." E) substitute products. B) defining the business and developing a mission. B) manufacturing quality The supervisor is doing which step of the control process? Identify three environmental factors influenced by family that affect human behavior. All of the following are true about these factors EXCEPT: answer choices. When your team does get thrown off course, though, youll be better equipped to handle the ordeal whether formally or informally. C) zero-based To create an improvement plan and internal business processes influence all of the following except it into action Internet enables the production or sales of substitute or! Illegal sharing of music files have declined as legitimate online music stores have.... ) ethical take a downturn closely aligns with a job versus a career HR department, hiring! Encourages self-control c ) on the ideas behind a product now be the boss of several her! 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