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Collaborative learning means that students learn from the, teacher and from the class, but also learn from each other. All Rights Reserved. Provide students examples and non-examples of student responses to prompts and have students discern the positive and negative attributes of WebIn higher education, online discussions are an integral part of collaborative based e-Learning systems. You might respond in a manner similar to the following: I definitely see your point about the childs quality of life. In this article, youll learn how to write a strong discussion post and respond to your classmates posts on the board. Some courses will ask you to post in an online discussion board, and discussion boards are the primary way many web-based courses facilitate class discussions. Work together to organize the ideas into buckets to create a manageable list of online discussion agreements. together. %%EOF I've never gained anything meaningful from them. I think that the writers The group is chosen due to predefined demographic traits, and the questions are designed to shed light on a topic of interest. Dont be too abrupt or forward right off the bat. Retrieved from Please visit www.rasmussen.edu/degrees for a list of programs offered. While you shouldnt say you disagree just to open up discussion, you can still explain the points with which you agree and then add another point to foster further discussion. I, for instance, was raised without a father and have never touched a drug in my life. I do understand your concerns, but I An integral part of nearly all online classes is the threaded discussionit is where students interact on a nearly daily basis, posting their thoughts and information on main discussion topics, your postings, and the postings of other students. Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Note: This is an example discussion forum response. In some classes students have the Example of a first post Instructors question: Does brain size matter? WebDiscussion definition: Consideration of a subject by a group; an earnest conversation. Assumptions are the ideas that we take for granted. Youve probably come across controversial blogs or news articles that are followed by obnoxious comments from people who really disagree with the content of those materials. Even if a classmate has posted something you resonate with, you can begin by saying that you agree with them and then go on to add your unique perspective or relate it to your life experience by sharing an anecdote. need good communication skills. Hey, you know what they say, the best way to understand someone is to undermine their experiences!. Here are two examples of responses you could give that respectfully disagree: 1. Collect their responses in a word cloud, a padlet, or google doc. Simple acknowledgments 07.18.2022, Rasmussen University | Common Pitfalls. Chemistry: The Central Science (Theodore E. Brown; H. Eugene H LeMay; Bruce E. Bursten; Catherine Murphy; Patrick Woodward), Forecasting, Time Series, and Regression (Richard T. O'Connell; Anne B. Koehler), Biological Science (Freeman Scott; Quillin Kim; Allison Lizabeth), Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Janice L. Hinkle; Kerry H. Cheever), Psychology (David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall), The Methodology of the Social Sciences (Max Weber), Civilization and its Discontents (Sigmund Freud), Business Law: Text and Cases (Kenneth W. Clarkson; Roger LeRoy Miller; Frank B. If you can, look at the prompt before you read the assigned materials. Perhaps youor someone else who agrees with this postcould elaborate upon why you feel this way? Explain why or why not, using evidence from this weeks readings. WebEstablish ground rules; e.g., provide examples of good and poor postings for students, clarify when & how participants should challenge the ideas of others, explain your role in the discussion. Please select another program or contact an Admissions Advisor (877.530.9600) for help. Responding to your classmates can be an awkward or uncomfortable task because you might not want to offend them or say something silly. At this point, you have two options: you can choose to respond to another postone you find less offensive, or you can challenge yourself to respond in a way that fosters discussion and perhaps also challenges the writer of that post to consider a different perspective. Discussion Board Reply Examples 2. Unlike a traditional classroom setting, where you have regular face-to-face interactions with your instructors and classmates, in an online classroom, interactions happen via discussion board assignments wherein students are required to write discussion posts to put forth their thoughts and ideas. "Have you ever had a confrontation with a coworker?" The assignment could be to solve a problem, research a topic, create a design, and such. I agree with everything you said! use the tips below to improve the quality of your responses and promote meaningful conversation: Remember, the online discussion forum is a place for you, your classmates, and your instructor to exchange information. WebUo People discussion response examples UoPeople UNIV1001 Online Education Strategies University University of the People Course Online Education Strategy (UNIV The price depends on several factors you can check our prices and discounts. However, there can be problems associated with current online discussion models. Having children when a woman is unmarried can cause severe problems for that child later in life. hmo8|luB~_"*Q([moUtQ>$k u)xfEb(,T %ANlT*.Jc4svVPt Lf>+4`5pA)hP+td(p]q\ UoPeople uses collaborative learning in two big ways. In fact, they encourage it. And if that means saying the same thing back to your classmate? This response makes it look like you actually read the assigned reading AND understood it enough to walk away with a formed opinion. Great response! While you have measured control over the content, length, and tone of student postings, you have full control over your own. This also lets the class know that your response to the student is not limited to the student but is information for all. teacher lectures and reading books. How you reply will impact your grades and the impression you want to make. Cerebral Cortex. can learn from each other and work to learn the material better. The different types of evidence you can incorporate are statistical, anecdotal, documentary, or even results after conducting your research or survey. Girl, you have done it again. Piggybacking off of that Now this last one is a definite personal favorite. Price Differentiation Works Well if? Discuss your thoughts on the most recent reading and respond to a peer's comment: I liked the reading, it was good. Discussion boards are often less formal than an essay or paper, but it is important to remember they are happening in an academic environment, Different instructors will have different expectations so make sure to read prompts and syllabi carefully, This is a discussion, so you are expected to add something, If everyone else is saying, Dr. While your response will be to one student, always include the whole class. Students may be provided different roles or stances through the debate to encourage civil discourse. Following these tips can help you and your classmates engage in more meaningful online conversations. Would that trauma necessarily carry over to the child? Read our website accessibility and accommodation statement. %PDF-1.5 % I Want to Go Back to School But [Insert Reason Here]. Note: This is an example discussion forum response. Didn't find what you need? You cannot be a yes-man or silent spectator; you must think of ways to build on that conversation. The groups can all work on the same assignment or be given unique assignments. endstream endobj 152 0 obj <>stream Rasmussen University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and is authorized to operate as a postsecondary educational institution by the Illinois Board of Higher Education. Discussions can be meaningful and engaging learning experiences: dynamic, eye-opening, and generative. The directions are included so you can see, what the discussion post is responding to. Rasmussen University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, an institutional accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. WebHere are some examples of discussion questions that encourage analytical thinking: Ask students to critique an authors argument: Are the theories that Darwin presented in 'On the Origin of Species' anti-religion? So, what do you say when youve already told almost everyone in the class that their responses were great and that you agreed with them? Wondering how to craft the perfect discussion post? Speaking of evidence, given the medium, feel free to attach a video, audio clip, or link that supports your argument. 0|!~MtPpgt1n e~vs;&Eyy2#602|_ZrV~Ii8~'6G/W]i~M4-=5.3;G1P]CH%iII'YtRb" J%Y2-0 ~[Rx{r47&%. However, there can be problems associated with current online discussion models. Collaborative learning helps students learn by learning together. learn new stuff that we might not have found ourselves by only reading our textbook. They explain the nature of the concepts in the theory, giving it structure. Every claim you make needs to be backed by solid evidence and examples. Examples depict understanding of concepts and are clear and accurate. That being said, your questions need to encourage people to think and add value. They explain the nature of the concepts in the theory, giving it structure. (If you do include them, the directions do not count This will help you to give examples, quote, paraphrase, or summarize when you start writing. on Smith is suggesting that service learning should be a mandatory component of all college courses, find a new perspective: Its true Dr. Smith focuses making service learning a standard part of college curriculum, but I feel we should also consider how requiring service learning may not always be helpful to community organizations., Instructors will sometimes require you to respond to other students as part of the assignment; even when its not required, actively participating in the discussion will help expand your understanding of the concepts, Great point! and I agree dont add anything to the conversation. Be an integral part of the conversation and add value to what is You no doubt require that the majority of student postings be substantive in nature, and thus so should yours. Regardless of the length of your post, what matters most is its quality and the insight you provide. I think Ill use your idea and reword it so it doesnt look exactly the same! Dont worry, this wont get you in trouble. The program you have selected requires a nursing license. WebSome Sample Responses for a Discussion Boards in ENGL 1005: Love and Hate It might be helpful if I point out a few features of these responses or others that Ive written. Preparation is key. Examples of phenomena in nursing include caring and responses to stress. Be open minded to others ideas, but feel free to express your own opinion as well. Ive seen it up close and personal. You dont want to be one of the last to respond, have nothing unique to offer, and get hidden under all the other posts all of this can have a negative impact on your grades. If you find yourself writing responses such as Nice work! Loved your brave response on your personal experiences with (insert your choice of a complex social subject), but if I were to just play devils advocate for a quick second Ugh, who doesnt love the devils advocate? uG Good job. Instructor Test Bank, Chapter 1 - BANA 2081 - Lecture notes 1,2, PSY HW#3 - Homework on habituation, secure and insecure attachment and the stage theory, Ch. 05.02.2022. different points through helps us understand things we might not otherwise understand. (If you do include them, the directions do not count, towards your wordcount - so if you turn in a 250 word post but that count includes the words in, the directions, you have not written enough. Rasmussen University is not enrolling students in your state at this time. Make sure your answer has only 5 digits. endstream endobj startxref far more effective way to learn together than high school projects were! Original: SourceWith the coronavirus pandemic outbreak, many schools and colleges are taking online classes. Before starting your research, you must read the discussion post prompts and guidelines carefully. The groups president used a laissez-faire approach. Lets say you agree with the above post about abortion. When applicable, use examples or experiences from your life in responding. This works well if the provider of products or services operates in a monopoly market. Set separate deadlines for initial posts and responses to peers so students know they are expected to continue the conversation. LTD. Lets roll. You must exchange one statement. The goal of informal writing assignments is often to foster conversations about particular issues or ideas; as such, its important to learn how to construct responses to discussion board posts that not only open up conversation but also enable you to stay true to your own beliefs and ideas (while remaining respectful of your peers). Patrick Flavin | Unit One- Discussion Responses. Hop on my back, dude. Here's an example of a great response: "Great job, XXXXX. In the discussion forum, students share their insight and other students read and reply. Ask open-ended questions, rather than questions that can be answered with yes or no. Always have your postings reflect a professional and dedicated instructor, be certain any facts and course information are in sync with what is included in the course (including textbook and other class resources), and use your postings to reinforce important course lessons and to motivate students. Because students bring such diverse backgrounds. Id say Im surprised but I know who you are. When responding, use the student's name and describe the point so that your whole class can follow along. However, like any class activity, they require planning and preparation. 05/31/2012. Certainly, punctuation serves this function to some extentbut injecting large doses of an upbeat personality and some occasional humor helps engage the class, creates a stronger student-instructor rapport, and helps students stay more involved in the discussion. There are three types of paraphrasing. You can ask a thoughtful question to understand the logic behind someones explanation or a follow-up question to have a classmate elaborate on their response. Make sure you use quotations while stating evidence or cite the sources accurately. Did you answer all elements of the prompt or just part of it? The program you have selected is not available in your ZIP code. Make sure you avoid repeating yourself and going around in circles. The final outcome may be a report Offering bits and pieces of your life outside of class will certainly make you more approachablebut be sure you use your life experiences and situations for the benefit of underscoring, highlighting, and reinforcing lessons of the course. Be a model of what you require of students in their postings. The encyclopedia for writers, researchers, and knowledge workers. The power of discussion comes from participants engaging with the course content, with each other, and with their own understanding of the material. For example, you can discuss what you have found interesting or challenging. Its important to remember that your discussion posts and responses are being watched and will have an impact on your grade. Its a good idea to pinpoint which aspect of your classmates post you are responding to - it makes it more straightforward for everyone involved. When students learn as a community, they improve their 3-4 postings; well distributed throughout the week. Lets walk through some tricks and techniques with real examples. Is there a connection to other readings and assignments? Currently trying to amp myself for it now. need to include the directions in your post. For example, it can be easy to set open-ended discussions which attract little participation and assessing contributions can be difficult or time-consuming. Discussion is a group of people talking through a common question or problem for the purpose of gaining new insights and generating new questions. Although responding to your classmates posts may seem like a simple task, many students have a difficult time writing thoughtful responses which promote discussion and student interaction. You might think writing pages for a discussion post will get you noticed, but that is not true. through other student posts and conversation with other students. Online Forums: Someone Responding Thoughtfully on a laptop, Fake News: An Undergraduate Composition Course, Fake News: an Undergraduate Composition Course. First, you can change the speakers wording to indicate what you think they meant. (University of the People, n.). Some instructors assign weekly or biweekly discussion board posts (online forums) or other regular informal writing assignments, and oftentimes they require you to respond to your peers writing. teacher and from the class, but also learn from each other. WebDiscussion boards are meant to be conversations, where each post builds on the previous comment. You wouldnt raise your hand in a face-to-face class and repeat something someone else just WebUoPeople Discussion Response Examples. Example Prompt: Each student will contribute to the weekly class blog, posting an approximately 500-word response to the weeks readings. They point to issues with the writers logic and end with questions which continue the By selecting "Submit," I authorize Rasmussen University to contact me by email, phone or text message at the number provided. All of these responses demonstrate an appreciation of the writers opinion, even if the respondent disagrees with the original post. Ever had a confrontation with a formed opinion you make needs to be backed solid... Conversation with other students given the medium, feel free to express your own it can be problems associated current. To continue the conversation instance, was raised without a father and never... Connection to other readings and assignments can not be a model of what you require of students in their.! And the insight you provide real examples not want to offend them or say something silly dont... Carry over to the conversation responses in a monopoly market find yourself writing such! 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examples of discussion responses

examples of discussion responses