Tap to display only maps that are good for your level. They are accompanied by the rate-up 4-stars, Ningguang, Beidou, and Xingqiu. 1! Road to Sleeping Beauty Evolution (Expert), Road to Sleeping Beauty Evolution (Insane), Road to Horsemen Cavalry Evolution (Easy), Road to Battle Balloon Evolution (Normal), The Sky Has Fallen, King Of The Sky! Merciless XP from 10pm~11pm on 3rd/6th/9th/12th/15th, 8am~9am on 4th/7th/10th/13th/16th and 4pm~5pm on 5th/8th/11th/14th/17th. The purpose of this guide is to give general advice on which units/banners are good to roll, and which ones would be good draws. Luffy and shishi are outstanding, but every other uber in this set is lucky to get even a C tier rating. Gain a ton of extra XP to strengthen your army in the levels that emerge during this events XP Festival, and greater Treasure drop rates in all three Battle Cats narrative mode chapters to aid in gathering your collections last few items during Treasure Festivals! Limited New Years' events galore!On between January 1st (12:00am) and January 9th (10:59am)!#BattleCats pic.twitter.com/VhPq1BPhPG. You can switch on/off the notification function on the options screen. Welcome to 2022 (2022, 2022 Shinnen Gacha, 2022 New Year Gacha ) Event The Crazed Cat/Manic Mohawk on the 3rd of the month The Crazed Tank/Manic Eraser on the 6th of the month The Crazed Axe/Manic Dark on the 9th of the month The Crazed Gross . It also has our guides for the best wishes to pull, the Pity System, and Gacha Simulators. The Flash - Official Big Game Teaser Trailer, Tomb Raider: Reloaded - Official Launch Trailer, Children of the Corn (2023) - Official Red Band Trailer, Wanted: Dead - 11 Things You Need to Know. "Beyond the Exosphere" to unlock, Higher difficulties added to certain existing maps, Major Leaguer Cat gains "Barrier Breaker", Third forms added for certain Rare/Super Rare Cats, Added higher difficulty levels to existing Legend Stages. 3, 4-Star stages for "Neverending Cat Story" through "Sushi Island", Adjusted/added abilities to some Cat Units, Added True Forms for select Super Rare/Uber Rare Cat Units, Added Zombie Outbreak events & stages to Empire Ch. Choose to display all Cats in Battle Formation as 2 rows simultaneously. After January 16 at 11:00 AM, the first 11-capsule draw will be discounted by 50% to 750 Cat Food. List of all the Special Events in The Battle Cats and Nyanko Daisensou . For Builder's Blitz! For the Evangelion collaboration stage schedule, view this post. Gacha Events present a pool of related Uber Super Rare cats. Most of the games playable characters and best weapons are found here, with regularly refreshed banners introducing new characters and boosting the appearance rates of others. Easier navigation between different Story Modes, Tap button next to the menu title at top left of the Cat Base menu to access. Gain access to increased Uber Rare hero drop rates and the opportunity to gather only characters available during Uberfest. On June 16, worlds collide. In the Evangelion collab gacha, all Evangelion rare units have a 4x drop rate. 2). XP Colosseum appears at 4pm~5pm on 24th/27th/30th Sep and 3rd/6th Oct, 10pm~11pm on 25th/28th Sep and 1st/4th/7th Oct and 8am~9am on 26th/29th Sep and 2nd/5th/8th Oct. Merciless XP from 10pm~11pm on 24th/27th/30th Sep and 3rd/6th Oct, 8am~9am on 25th/28th Sep and 1st/4th/7th Oct and 4pm~5pm on 8am~9am on 26th/29th Sep and 2nd/5th/8th Oct. For XP Festival (JP): Sweet XP appears at 11am~2pm for even days and 7pm~10pm for odd days. I know that they repeat themselves, I just need to know if the confirm/discount events repeat, because at this rate it might be another month before I can finally get my first uber :/. Girls vs monsters is mid F tier, because none of these ubers are worth wasting catfood on. What a Commemorative Medal Of Some Kind!? It is expected that at least one of these characters will have their rerun in the next patch. Third forms added for certain Uber Rare/Super Rare Cats, Li'l Macho Legs Cat gains "Barrier Breaker", Clear Ch 1. An unconfirmed report shared by SaveYourPrimos states that 5-star Baizhu will arrive in Version 3.6, and that there may be a Nahida rerun in Version 3.6. Baizhu and Kaveh were announced recently in Genshin Impact's Official social media accounts, and it is likely that they will be available as playable characters in Version 3.6. Rarities: Normal (NN) Special (EX) Rare (RR) Super Rare (SR) Uber Rare (UR) Legend Rare (LR) (ignore garu). Pretty good for a debuff unit. B tier: Dark heroes are very versatile (and powerful) with their different forms, making them a high pick for B tier. I've been saving up my cat food for a while, finally got 1500, but both the Ultra Souls and Dragon Emperors weren't confirm events! Place Cat units in your Favorites in the Cat Guide, then choose to see only those Cats on Upgrade/Equip menus with the Star button. I put ultra souls above almighties just because i personally prefer them, but these two are basically tied. Just tap on the Cat you want to fight for you! Useful against high damage metal enemies, such as Sir Metal Seal and Metal . Simple Controls - Just Roll Your Cat!. It also has our guides for the best wishes to pull, the Pity System, and Gacha Simulators. C tier: Dynamites was a difficult pick for C tier because it has both balrog and baby cat. 2, 4-Star stages now available for "The Legend Begins" through "Volkanos Volcano", Added True Forms for select Rare/Uber Cat Units, Added Zombie Outbreak events & stages to Empire Ch. also, graveflower verbena. Check out this guide to learn the banner details, Genshin Impact's version history, and the current and upcoming banners in Genshin Impact in Version 3.5. Thanks to /u/reverendcat for the use of this subreddit! Are you excited about the special events in The Battle Cats for New Year 2023 celebrations? Demon King's mansion: Stage level 3 opened, The evil one who pollutes the sea: Stage level 2 opened, User rank rewards, rank 1450 and rank 2150 rewards have been released, Added a Refine function to the power-up screen and character composition screen, Can be used after clearing Japan Chapter 2, Reviewed the remedy for regaining leadership if you leave a battle within a certain amount of time after it begins, Both leadership and items used will now return within 10 seconds of the start of a battle, The Underground Path to Darkness: Stage Level 3 opens, Added a button to the stage selection screen to organize characters, Added a skip function to the special bonus item acquisition stage. and our New Map and Higher Difficulties for Existing Legend Stages, Rank Up Sale lineup and consecutive 11-Capsule Draw bonus change after reaching Rank 1600, Added Crown total display to map selection screen. Added a notification function to let you know when your leadership is fully restored. The current Genshin banners are Auric Blaze featuring Dehya, and Twilight Arbiter featuring Cyno. They are accompanied by the rate-up 4-stars, Bennett, Barbara, and Collei. Deploy certain character sets together in battle to increase traits and gain other combat benefits. Contents 1 Monthly Events 2 Lucky Ticket G Limited Monthly Events 3 Celebration Events 4 Gauntlets 4.1 Regular 4.2 Monthly Gauntlets 4.3 Special 4.4 Removed 5 Other Events 6 Time-Limited Stages 6.1 Cyclone Stages 6.2 Advanced Cyclone Stages 6.3 Advent Stages To cancel your exam order, please email cancel@aptsusa.com and include the student name, name of the school, and the name of the exam(s) you wish to cancel. ~ Be brave! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); We are constantly looking for the best talents and most passionate mobile gamers to join our crew. All FESTs are 9% Uber chance + 26% Super Rare chance, while normal banners are 5% Uber chance + 25% Super Rare chance, Legendary Chance is 0.3%, unless otherwise stated. Catamin Stages added! Players who visit The Battle Cats mobile app between 11:00 AM on January 16 and 10:59 AM on February 20th, 2023, can take on event-only Lunar New Year stages, win free rewards of Cat Food premium currency, and receive discounts on powerful Rare Capsule Cats to strengthen their strange feline army! It's a Lunar New Year's Party with #TheBattleCats, 1/16 (11am) thru 2/20 (10:59am)! Yes, there is a New Year's event. The update information provided is based off the English Version of The Battle Cats. Added a True Form for Special-grade characters. Wildcat Slots, Event Capsules, Limited Stages, First Time Draw Discount, daily Login Stamp rewards, special Lunar New Years sale packs, and more! : Straits of Wing, Island of Ash and Cavern of Comets appear at 7-9am, 12-2pm, 6-8pm, 10-11pm. For this update only, even those who have already installed the game can purchase these items within three days of the update. =-. Added Beginner Support Pack and Rank Up Sale. Cats of the Cosmos Ch. Command your Cats with simple controls in a battle through space and time! Road to The Great Escaper | Battle Cats Beginners PlaythroughA new style of playthrough, aiming for The Great Escaper to obtain Ururun Wol. Ultimate Walkthrough Wiki, Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity Walkthrough Wiki, Grand Theft Auto V (GTA 5) Walkthrough Wiki. In addition, we have added a special item set that can be purchased as you advance in rank. They have decent generalists, unlike Lugas. As players progress through each chapter, theyll get new perks and even craft weapons to strengthen Laras arsenal. S tier (incredible) : superfest, uberfest, epicfest, A tier (best sets) : ultra souls, almighties, B tier (good sets) : Dark heroes, vajiras, C tier (mediocre sets) : Dynamites, Iron legion, Galaxy gals, D tier (poor sets) : Dragon emperors, Nekoluga, F tier (bad sets) : Pixies, Girls vs Monsters, Dynastyfest, -------------------------------------------------------------------------. In the Evangelion collab gacha, all Evangelion rare units have a 4x drop rate. 3, Check Cat abilities and targets from the pause menu mid-battle, Higher Difficulties for Existing Legend Stages, Skip Catseye animation for multiple Catseye, Added "Catseye [Dark]" that can raise Uber Rare Cats above the standard level 51 cap. 2, Multiple (2~9) Normal Tickets can be used at once, Speed-Ups can now be carried over to Continuation Stages, "Return to Map" button added to top right of victory screen, Collect on 1st map clear/after new User Rank tier, Tap "Outbreak" or "Treasure Festival" icon to travel to relevant stage, True Forms added for some Uber/Super Rare Cats, Third forms added for certain Uber Rare / Super Rare Cats, Show off your play record with Battle Cats Officers' Club ID, Available after clearing Empire of Cats Ch. The The Battle Cats - Uber Super Rare (12.1 Updated) Tier List below is created by community voting and is the cumulative average rankings from 93 submitted tier lists. Added filter and arrange feature to Talent Orb Storage, Hold background on Talent Orb Storage to rearrange available Orbs for easy viewing. Watch the full trailer now for The Flash. F tier: elemental pixies. Stories of Legend are available after Empire Ch. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Revised maximum charge speed for Cat Cannon. Let us know in the comments section below! 2 of them, actually (one for "end of the year" and another right after for "start of new year"). Read our other articles on The Battle Cats here, The Battle Cats is celebrating New Year 2023 with special events and rewards. Find the custom banners online that you love best and choose from themes like military . An exciting new app from the makers of The Battle Cats! You can see Archon Quest titles and Teyvat Nations in the video. There will also be a Cyno rerun in the first phase of 3.5. Talent Orb Slots added to all Cats with Talents unlocked, Empress' Research events added to the Main Missions, Empress' Research events added to the calendar. Insanely Tough vs Metal enemies, Long-range Area attacks might Critical and Break enemy Barriers for extra damage! and become one of the first to read the story. You can evolve to this True Form after completing certain objectives. Tap arrow at bottom right to show or hide Ability/Effects, Rarities: Normal (NN) Special (EX) Rare (RR) Super Rare (SR) Uber Rare (UR) Legend Rare (LR) Gauntlet Stage cooldown time can now be shortened by using Catamin A items. #battlecats pic.twitter.com/0nh3VH6cye. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. New Base Blueprint available for Ototo Corps! What Is the Current Genshin Impact Banner? [Announcement] Posts that serve as an announcement or PSA. Facing Danger. Players can access the new update starting December 27th, 2021 to experience the Battle Cats years' end events like Royalfest, Cats in the Snow winter stages, and more!. Check our careers page! If you roll a Rare Ticket, or purchase a draw with Cat Food in a specific gacha event, there is chance to obtain one or more of the Uber Super Rare cats from that event pool. Join the community. Tomb Raider: Reloaded is available now on iOS and Android mobile devices via the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. =Super Simple Battle System=. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Level cap for certain Ototo Base Development designs raised to 30. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); We are constantly looking for the best talents and most passionate mobile gamers to join our crew. The presentation or additional scholarly work presents an argument that identifies and explains the consequences and/or implications made in the conclusion. A big part of Genshin Impact is the Wish system. Check out these channels for tutorials and other interesting content! Along the way, theyll acquire run-specific abilities alongside permanent rewards like new gear, collect resources to help improve Laras stats and unlock new outfits, such as her fan-favorite bomber jacket. Download it for Android or iOS! (All rewards are the same as their respective Daily Stages), Ototo Material Stages (Strait of Wings, Island of Ash, and Cavern of Comets). Behemoth Gems can be created by collecting Behemoth Stones. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. True Form after completing certain objectives ] Posts that serve as an Announcement or PSA, even those who already! Added filter and arrange feature to Talent Orb Storage, Hold background on Talent Orb Storage, Hold background Talent. Thebattlecats, 1/16 ( 11am ) thru 2/20 ( 10:59am )! # BattleCats.. Teyvat Nations in the Evangelion collab gacha, all Evangelion Rare units have a drop... 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