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Alistair was a private person, like many of his generation. He was born on 20 November 1947 and matriculated at Jeppe Boys High School. He became Head of the Department and will be remembered as an outstanding Academic, Teacher and Mentor to all the students. Prof Fisher served on numerous University committees and was a member of both the University Senate and Council. In addition, he participated on the editorial board of the Paediatric Cardiology and Cardiology in the Young journals. He was Chairman of the Gold Mine Museum's Operating Committee from its inception until February 1982, and played a major part in the formation of the Museum. He was awarded the State President?s Southern Cross (Gold) in 1989, the highest order that could be bestowed upon a South African citizen at that time. Ian maintained regular contact with his brothers and their families and his devotion for the wider family was evidenced in his maintenance of a comprehensive Shapiro family tree which required him delving deep all over the world to gather the necessary lineage information. His appointment to the Hermanus Magnetic Observatory piqued his interest in magnetism and he pursued a doctorate in geophysics at Princeton University on receipt of a Fulbright-Hays travel grant. This is exemplified by his very first patient encounter in his rooms at the conclusion of which the patient baffled Fifi by insisting on making an immediate payment for the service. Khumalo was introduced to music at the age of eight, guided predominantly by her fathers influence, Sibongile studied violin, singing, drama and dance under Emily Motsieloa, a pianist and leader of an all-womens band and influential musical personality in township circles. She was appointed to the universitys top position for research in 2003 at the age of 63 after starting her career in the Faculty of Humanities, moving through the ranks as head of the Department of Sociology in the late 1990s before leading the entire School of Social Sciences from 2001-2003. He joined SARS and was the Deputy Director for Indirect Taxation at the time of his death. She is survived by her heartbroken children, Chloe and Troy; her parents Marianne and Henry Moolman; brother Matthew Moolman and family; grandmother Joyce Berman, aunts Jane and Claire Berman and Uncle Steven Baker. Joyce Segerman (BSc 1948, MSc honoris causa 1995) died in Johannesburg on 10 July 2019 at the age of 93. He excelled in his career in telecommunications and information technology, and was Group General Manager at MTN at the time of his death. He was active in the American Society of Neuroradiology as both treasurer and president, he was an editor at the American Journal of Neuroradiology and as a charter board member of the American Society of paediatric radiology. Prof Fernandez played a pivotal role in guiding the institute from its initial focus on facilitating dialogue in post-apartheid South Africa, to its current expanded scope across the African continent. She too was later arrested and was ordered to leave South Africa. Dr George Louridas died in Winnipeg, Canada on April 2, 2007, just short of his 54th birthday. Maureen would probably have wanted to be a doctor herself but that didnt prove possible. For anyone who ever had a serious conversation with him, one will always remember the deep sense of being heard, seen and understood.. He graduated as the Craib Prizeman in 1950. She herself had been born blind in one eye. He worked at the Johannesburg General Hospital and Childrens Hospital and then he was appointed junior assistant surgeon in orthopedics at Pretoria General Hospital. He authored a book The Natural and Unnatural History of Congenital Heart Disease, published in 2009. I think my great contribution to that was to find a way of doing a decisive experiment. His work on the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans pointed to the genes regulating organ development and programmed cell death, and won him the 2002 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. Articled to Max Pinchuk at Wertheim & Becker, he later started his own firm of Nathanson Bowman & Nathan. She was admired and liked at university. She was just Heather the person I always turned to when I had doubts or worries. Dr Lampert worked there until 1964 and became a member of the Fellowship of the College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of South Africa in 1965. While Head of the Department of Virology and Microbiology at the Medical University of South Africa, Alexander received the George Oettl Memorial Medal in 1977 the Cancer Association of South Africa medal that honours its cancer-research pioneer namesake for a paper published in theSouth African Medical Journalthat presented an international breakthrough in understanding the cause of liver cancer. In 1991 her book Women of Phokeng, which drew on the oral histories of 22 black women from a small town near Rustenburg won her the Human Sciences Research Councils Top Researcher Award. From my point of view, she arrived in the nick of time. To ignore any was to do so at ones peril. His social work in the field exposed him to the complex dynamics governing South Africa in the 1960s and 1970s. The pair found their way to Johannesburg, with Bizoss father taking small jobs while he worked in a caf, rather than attending school. Dr. Geffen was an avid golfer and bridge player, and often had his life?s partner Ann, sitting opposite him at the bridge table. They lived on peanut butter and Dr Levinson had to sleep on chairs. Her teachers included Erica Berry, Cecily Sash, Robert Hodgins and Judith Mason. Counted among the so-called Dertigers, she became the first Afrikaans woman to win the Hertzog Prize for poetry in 1934. He died on 23 August at the age of 91 and is survived by two daughters, Tamar and Petra, a grandson and a granddaughter. During his time as a POW, many lifelong friendships were formed, and his studies towards his CA continued, tutored by men who would later become his colleagues and mentors in the profession. He was a keen photographer and loved reading and discussing current world events. Above all he was devoted totally to being the best father who would do anything, fight every battle, for his three daughters, whom he became sole parent to when their mother died nearly 40 years ago. A well-travelled storyteller and poet with an insatiable curiosity, Dr Levinson tried his hand at many things. He taught briefly in Natal before joining the Wits English department where he was in charge of the training of English teachers for 35 years. She was deputy head girl of Boksburg High School and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry and applied mathematics in 1961. He was a great and kind teacher and always had the students interests at heart, says Prof Jos Hille, who worked with Prof Shear at the University of the Western Cape, where he gave his time freely in semi-retirement. He wrote extensively about the project inJohannesburg Transitionand was proud of the designs and how architecture could contribute to better industrial relations. He was also a connoisseur of fine food and wine and cultivated friendships with many people who served him at their well-appointed tables. This activism first appeared during his undergraduate days at Wits, when he was elected to the Student Representative Council as treasurer. He is an honorary fellow of the College of Medicine. He regularly visited the UK to keep his dentistry knowledge up to date and used the opportunity to do work at Kew on his botanical projects. He was an Associate Founder of The College of Medicine of South Africa and from 1956 to his retirement in 1985 a member of the Mine Medical OfficersAssociation, being President in 1979. The lights in the Criterion Theatre in Benoni dimmed and the orchestra struck up. The concept of lifelong learning is an essential ingredient of a civilised society, he said in his acceptance speech. On 12 June 2022, Mentor resigned as ActionSAs provincial chairperson because of ill health, which she said was caused by her weight loss journey and bariatric surgery. In this capacity he was closely involved in the development of the South African money market, a topic on which he published several articles in theSouth African Journal of Economics. He served in the South African army in Italy during World War II and remained there briefly afterwards to study painting. The huge impact he had is borne out by messages paying tribute to him from former Bryanston High pupils. In addition to a medical degree, he held Red Cross first aid and nursing certificates and a pilots licence. Immediately after their internships, they joined with another radical couple, Dr Michael Hathorn (BSc Eng 1943, MBBCh 1950) and Dr Margaret Cormack (BSc 1946, MBBCh 1949), to direct and staff the Alexandra Health Centre and University Clinic in Johannesburg. He was in the office from 9am to after 7pm five days a week until weeks before his death. As chief of anaesthesia and medical director for most of his career in Seattle, Forth Worth, and Tulsa, he devoted his 54 years to the health and safety of his young patients and to teaching generations of doctors. (MBBCh 1965) aged 79, died on 3 November 2022, at home in San Antonio, Texas, surrounded by his family. It is how he engineered the formation of Tsogo Sun, of which he became group CEO and deputy chair of Tsogo Sun Holdings. Although confined latterly to a wheelchair and despite complications from his illness, Vellet remained a prolific academic author until 2008. She lectured at the University of Western Australia where she helped introduce the countrys first course in legal medicine. Healso acted asamoderatorfortheMatriculationExamination Boardfor physical sciences. He graduated with a civil engineering degree from Wits and after working for two years on soil mechanics as assistant to the director of the Building Research Institute in Pretoria, he left to hitchhike in Europe. It is not difficult to imagine the negotiating skills required to bring these bodies under one new voluntary organisation. She was re-elected to Parliament in 2019 and made Shadow Minister for the newly created Higher Education, Science and Innovation portfolio. So captivated was Hughes by the sight that the BBC, on viewing his initial footage, enlisted him to return to Central America for another season. He finally fled Uganda in 1973 to escape the persecution of the notorious dictator, Idi Amin. He worked with his son, Matthew, to establish the Red Desert Nature Reserve in Port Edward. He ultimately became Emeritus Professor in 2001. When I decided I could not go into the army and do my national service, Heather saved me. He was sensitive to other people, a person who could be completely trusted. Dr. After 1994 he played a meaningful role in the transformation process of the Johannesburg City Council. She ensured a greater transparency in the way the gallery operated and even made entry to the museum free. He is survived by his wife and four children, two of whom are doctors. He was awarded an Honorary D Arch Degree by the University of the Witwatersrand in 2013 and in 2015 gave his archive to the School of Architecture and Planning at Wits. Read an interview on 27 July 2020 with Dr Anthony Hedley here: Sources: Journal of Orthopaedic Experience & Innovation and Daily Independent. Not forgetting an advertising jingle for Lucky Star pilchards! Dr Julius Berjak (MBBCh 1933, DPH 1944) died in Durban on 15 November 2009, just short of his 101stbirthday. Please note that this is a paid member service. And then just as we were about to start the long journey back to the campsite, Mum would say Oh look, what a lovely moon, and the cameras would all be unpacked again. He was a regular member of the Optimists side of Hong Kong Cricket Club and represented Hong Kong in hockey at the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo. He was the recipient of the St Johns Golden Eagle Award for tirelessly promoting constitutionalism and economic liberalism. She completed her teachers diploma and later became a senior lecturer at the Teachers Training College. In her early 40s, with her sons in school, Pearl decided to return to Wits to commence a new career in psychology at that time a very unusual path for a married woman with a family and children in school. Holmes was extremely knowledgeable in Professional Practice and Contract Law and a member of the Association of Arbitrators. John Bird (BCom 1966) began his career at Afrox before moving to Scaw Metals, where he worked for over 35 years, ending his career there as GroupResources Director. Yet her great passion, theNatural Animal Centre, which she ran in Wales with Ross, remains a place of learning today and her legacy of enhancing animal welfare continues. Although he preferred reserves where it was possible to walk in the open veld, to those like the Kruger Park where visitors are confined to their cars most of the time. He began his career as a police officer and worked in Crestline and Ontario. Internationally renowned scholar, historian and author Tim Couzens (PhD 1980) died on 28 October in Johannesburg. Through CAMEG, he played an instrumental role in the generation of many explorationtargets, several of which have developed into advanced prospects and operating mines. She relocated again in 2002, to the UK, aged 91. Seymour Papert (BA 1950, PhD 1953) has been described as the father of artificial intelligence, the worlds foremost expert on how technology can provide new ways to learn, a polymath, a revolutionary socialist, a pioneering force, and a social reformer. Bob died in a home in Queanbeyan NSW, the town adjacent to Canberra where he and my mother had lived since 1968. Harold Edwin Price (BSc Hons 1960) loved by so many and known as Eddie, was born in Johannesburg on the 26 January 1939 to his devoted parents, Anne and Jules, followed soon after by his beloved sister Maureen. In 1978, James was invited by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to chair a consultants panel charged with the task of writing a textbook on the extractive metallurgy of uranium. In 1997, Keith received a B.S. She was active on the Committee for Research on Music Education for the HSRC and working committees for the National Department of Education. They were to remain friends to the day Alistair died. Many regretted that she did not publish more widely. Prof Mitchell Gohnert says it was decades before another woman engineer graduated, so Joan was a bit of a maverick. He was a consultant in several weather-related court cases and also consulted to firms of geotechnical engineers. Described by a friend and colleague as a formidable force in the social development field who fearlessly championed the rights of the poor and never took no for an answer, Henderson was a great humanitarian and the recipient of the Order of the Baobab (bronze) from the South African government, the Solus Medal for Meritorious Service to the Community and the South African Teachers Association Centennial Award for Outstanding Contribution to Education. Wits Sociology Professor Edward Webster recalled, George went on to play an important role in developing educational policy in post-apartheid South Africa. Driven by a desire to share his knowledge, particularly in the field of hydrological phenomena and multidisciplinary studies, he authored a host of publications between 1970 and 1984. Professor Boden studied architecture, town and regional planning and urban design. Williamson continued his human rights commitment through his voluntary work in the UK, first of the Legal Assistance Trust set up and directed by his wife Jill Williamson OBE, while later in 2012, Williamson became a trustee and treasurer of the merged Canon Collins Education and Legal Assistance Trust. I dont think words can sufficiently express our indebtedness to men and women like George Bizos. He was a founding member of the SA Pulmonology Society (SAPS), now the SA Thoracic Society (SATS) in July 1968. Klug was born in Zelvas, Lithuania in 1926. Dr Lang is survived by his wife Jenny, his two children, their spouses and four grandchildren. So Johnny Clegg became our fourth travelling partner. Born on 28 December 1946, Truscott was a Wits benefactor with deep compassion for the indigent. In the same year, 1967, he took a senior lectureship at the University of Western Australia before returning to Wits in 1975, as Professor and Chair in the Department of Zoology. Dr Vallabh had been a member of the West Rand branch of the South African Medical Association (SAMA) since 1979, and an executive member since 1982. (And, incidentally, I believe this puzzle has not yet been resolved.) Margot returned to South Africa for a brief period from 1984 to 1985, while on sabbatical leave from McGill. Colin Carter was central to the planning of the Katse Dam. This discovery resulted in Tiffany & Co in America using his face to advertise the as yet unnamed tantalising jewel. In Johannesburg resulted in Tiffany & Co in America using his face to advertise as. Many of his death Education, Science and Innovation portfolio Idi Amin essential of! 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keith l miller obituary

keith l miller obituary