sokolka miracle debunkedare mustard greens toxic to cats

The Vatican should really start supporting research on cloning just in case. zamwienia publiczne, kontakt The Jewish workers' movement began to organize locally in the late 19 th century; Zionists began activity in the early 20 th century. Do Eucharistic Miracles happen regularly? But, yeah, my first thought was sleight of hand too. I have since found a video that shows the Italian and English translations of the Lanciano report Miracle of Lanciano Medical Report by Dr. Linoli on The Joy of the Faith channel. IAR, PR online The priest could have had a bit of a human heart on his hands and let it fall to the ground so people would notice it and then inserted it in water so people would assume it to be a "miracle". the wafer turns red when it emerges from the water odder. Thousands flocked to see it. Without a video of the event, it would be quite difficult to prove how he produced the coins, and Id fully expect that the Catholic church and police would both be unable to find any evidence of fraud. For example, the Shroud of Turin, has a website where all this information is made available but there isnt anything, that I can find, where we can go to see the researchers actual findings of other phenomena. I do wish Ascension would delete my reference to the WHO report, as it detracts from all the other provable evidence. Amen. A real faith builder. I, Ron Tesoriero had invited renowned senior Australian Television Investigative journalist, Mike Willesee, in early 2000 to join the investigation. I assume that the transubstantiation doesnt occur until after you swallow it, but what happens if you are sick and throw up? I have to admit it was a little frustrating that these documents are not easily available for the public to read (and be amazed by!). The translation is very rough and Im paraphrasing so please correct me if anything is wrong. At the same time, we have long known that the Earth revolves around the sun, women do not become pregnant without the participation of male sperm, and the wafer is baked with rice flour. Either way, it is deplorable that they are so desperate to manufacture miracles. * Scientific Investigation of the Eucharistic Miracle of Buenos Aires, the facts the evidence and the findings. The article in The New Poland Express says: But rather than dissolving it turned red. It was probably not performed by a medical either. And yet we dont always recognise Jesus there. On Holy Thursday, 9 April 2009, by the decision of His Excellency, the church of St. Antoni Padewski in Sokka was raised to the rank of Collegiate Church and the Collegiate Chapter of the Blessed Sacrament was established. wiadomoci, informacje You also dont get (at least as far as Im concerned) to assume a miracle is any less likely than a natural event. Sure! This will include priests, theologians, canon lawyers, medical professionals, molecular biologists and others. is this it? The congregation? This bacteria does not require much it needs moisture and a temperature not higher than 30 decrees Celsius, says Dr. Grzesiowski director of the Contagious Diseases Unit at the National Medicines Institute. This fame persisted relatively unquestioned until 1995, when Dr. Luigi Garlaschelli, a chemistry researcher at the University of Pavia, debunked the miracle. It is frankly rather uncharitable (dare I say unfriendly?) They concluded that the structure of the transformed fragment of the host is identical to the myocardial (heart) tissue of a living person who is nearing death. You should ask the priest to whom you confessed to be sure, but I think you should have no problem aproaching Our Lord at communion. But I ask everyone to pray that this phenomenon was truly a miracle, says Father Stanislaw Gniedziejko, pastor of the parish of St. Anthony in Sokolka in northeast Poland where the incident occurred. But most importantly I was given the opportunity to scientifically test the samples that were taken, and to have those samples tested with what Science could offer in the latest technologies of Pathology and DNA analysis. Thanks for the valuable feedback. Its not in the scope of work they do. I am so amazed at these findings. Cmon, it was a soggy piece of bread or wafer, or whatever it was they were using, stained red by wine! They have no public releases on the test for the Eucharist so if you have any contradicting result I would LOVE a link~! Perhaps he is now doing the same for us. I was reading this article out loud to my older child when my younger child waltzed in the room and asked did they call the cops? However, unlike a religious person Im willing to state up front what it would take to get me to change my mind: First, this material must have human DNA that can be sequenced. All of us asked the same question.why were we not told about this in our Catholic schools as children back in 50s & 60s and why dont we hear about them in our churches and in our Catholic newspapers? In 1953, a statue of the Virgin Mary in a couple's house in Syracuse, Sicily apparently started shedding human tears. During that time, the Church authorities reflected on what to do, since they were dealing with a sign from God which needed to be interpreted. studio reportau i dokumentu PR Two weeks later a red spot covered one-fifth of the undissolved Host. It was emphasized that there are infinite number of reference systems in the Universe, where . When the samples were taken for analysis, the undissolved part of the consecrated host had become embedded in the cloth. I doubt this would pass the first and second tests. Countless communion wafers are used every week all around the world. 3) Do we know the identity of the man whose remains were found? 2006 miracle was also mold according to a now deleted article- In the case of Sokka, it was Professors Maria Elbieta Sobaniec-otowska and Stanisaw Sulkowski from the Medical University of Biaystok. Although in the interest of recognizing the importance of faith, Jesus probably decided to have the piece of heart tissue be genetically identical to pig heart. . Doing a little bit of searching, I was able to find the primary report co-authored by the scientists mentioned, Prof. Maria Elzbieta Sobaniec-Lotowska and Prof. Stanislaw Sulkowski (, which does a great job of summarizing their findings from the analysis. This is the first time I have heard of a back in time prayer Maybe we can pray all those children were never molested. Meanwhile, everyone else needs to get the hell out of that creepy church. That was not a miracle. (see Katya messages) Catholics believe that Jesus is present in the Eucharist alive, as he was at the moment of the Resurrection. Here, substance is some nonsensical imaginary thing, similar to how the words person and being are used when trying to define/reconcile the trinitarian doctrine. That is why the bishop will also appoint a team of experts to study the events from every angle, gathering all relevant data. During the first year, it was kept secret. The host was kept this way for three years, until it was solemnly brought to the church on October 2, 2011. This does suggest a quandary for vegetarians who take the Eucharist seriously and literally. He moved to Finland to avoid arrest and persecution. I have found myself pondering more and more the mystery of Christ in the Eucharist since hearing about this miracle. He accidentally dropped the cracker. After the consecration he noticed the host begin to bleed from one side. I look at it more as a tacit admission that transubstantiation is a totally empty doctrine. Are we, like Doubting Thomas, refusing to believe unless we see, touch, and feel for ourselves? Entry: Global Warming Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit three children claimed to have encountered the Virgin Mary out in the countryside. I really enjoyed being on the show. The host was expected to dissolve in the water, which would later be disposed of properly. And how does the Catholic Church defend its claim of the miraculous. The Eucharistic miracle of Sokolka: The host is tissue from heart of a dying man Aleteia - published on 09/23/17 Laboratory analyses confirm that the structure of the. You make a very good point, Andres! Question after question kept rising up. Im really delighted by your cordiality here. A worshipper in a temple in New Delhi proffered a spoonful of milk near the mouth of a statue of Ganesha, a prominent Hindu god, and soon enough, the milk was gone, apparently slurped down by the inanimate statue! Another example of this can be found in the case of a Eucharistic miracle inSokolka, Poland. nauka But praying to influence past events? How do they ascertain that it is of human origin? /r/Catholicism is a place to present new developments in the world of Catholicism, discuss theological teachings of the Catholic Church, provide an avenue for reasonable dialogue amongst people of all beliefs, and grow in our own spirituality. But the complex living cells in the Argentina case coming into existence without going through an evolutionary process is evidence of an exception to the theory. Z. who hosts thsi blog explains why the wafer is placed in water. Typically part of the changed host is sent away to a third party for examination. He found that the plaster statue readily absorbs water and can leak it out through scratches in the outer glazing. Sanal Edamauku, president of the Indian Rationalist Association came in to investigate, and on national television he proclaimed his findings to millions of Indians: the wall behind the statue was leaking and growing algae. You do not need an annulment to be forgiven. 1) Has a DNA analysis been completed of the heart tissue? In order to rule out any doubts, it would have been necessary to carry out molecular and genetic testing, added Chyczewski. . According to reader Wojtek, they sent a letter to the Prosecution Office and, according to Polish law, the prosecutor must now start an investigation or give a very good reason not to do so.. I have since found a video that shows the Italian and English translations of the Lanciano report Miracle of Lanciano Medical Report by Dr. Linoli on The Joy of the Faith channel. And most astonishingly Dr Zugibe said to Mike Wilesse and myself, Ron Tesoriero, that the microscopic slide was a snapshot of the muscle of the heart of a living person not a dead person. All rights reserved. But when scientists investigated, they quickly realized that no miracle was taking place, only physics. I came across your article while searching for information or sources on the scientific research that was conducted on these miracles, especially Sokolka Poland. The results were truly amazing and they continue to baffle scientists. We can rebuild him. kultura If I drop a cracker on the floor, my first instinct would be to dip it in water to clean it. We are now waiting for the Holy Fathers decision as to what to do next, said Father Andrzej Debski from the Bialystock curia. Jane Korvemaker loves food, family, wine, and God (perhaps not in that order). What evidence of fraud would you expect to find? Furthermore, they noticed the milk dribbling down and pooling on the ground. (Have fun with that one.). its in a web archive so its probably one of the only places you can find this article since its original source was deleted. Ill be sharing with all my non-Catholic friends, and also those who have fallen away from the Church. The miracle took place in 2008 at the church of St. Anthony. The Commission has stated, the case of Sokka does not contradict the faith of the Church, but rather confirms it. Darwinian Theory maintains that all life forms on earth today are a product of an evolutionary process over billions of years. Jesus called us blessed to believe by faith alone, and so we are! And in most of these recent miracles, the Eucharist turns into human flesh and blood. During a Christmas Day mass in 2013 a consecrated wafer or Host fell on the floor at the Church of St Jack. The Eucharistic Miracle of Sokolka. I will look at the elevated host and chalice with a vibrant awe and with deeper faith. In 750AD, a priest experienced a terrible temptation to doubt the True Presence while He was saying Mass. The Church has treated the incident in Sokolka cautiously from the beginning. However, you havent demonstrated that this has even been tried, as the link supplied merely says that the tissue looks like human heart tissue under a microscope. Following up on Richard Wades comment, I think the most obvious and straight-forward way to verify these kinds of eucharistic miracles (there have been several in which the wafer purportedly became a piece of heart tissue) is to see if they all contain the same DNA. Ahhhh, thats the most brilliant way to dispose of a human body EVER. Address: ul. Alejandro Pezet who placed it in a container of water inside the tabernacle of the chapel of the Blessed Sacrament. On that day, the Virgin Mary "appeared", but only to the children very suspicious. He is the local leader who has the authority to declare an event as a miracle. Then if we ever, you know, just happen to find some old bones in a cave outside Jerusalem that match. (Like they would know). Each case involves different witnesses, different scientists and different laboratories. Advertise with us.reach Catholics who are looking for what you have to offer. 5) We have found no information that anyone has investigated this activity. More likely, Im in a place that Christ has revealed himself to me through contemplation of this miracle, and it comes through Christs all-loving touch in knowing when I might best respond to his call. And I can be prone to credulity. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Thanks to their partnership in our mission, we reachmore than 20 million unique users per month! This is because, by definition, a miracle is less likely than a natural event. As with all miracles, it starts with an investigation launched by the local bishop. The miraculous host along with a chalice of wine that turned into blood at the same time, remain incorrupt to this day. Additionally, the paper discusses the issue of simultaneous events from the perspective of physics. Poland is very important to God his previous vicar was Polish. He picked it up and, as per normal protocol when a consecrated Host is not consumable, placed it in a vessel filled with water and put it in the tabernacle. We demand an immediate answer to the question, which we will also publish. They concluded that the structure of the transformed fragment of the host is identical to the myocardial (heart) tissue of a living person who is nearing death. According to the Telegraph, local police find no evidence of fraud. They issued a common declaration stating: The sample sent for evaluation looks like myocardial tissue. then, Italians think this is a miracle. Wow, this is so very sad indeedI feel kinda sick now just reading it, I videotaped an angelic being back in 1989Big deal!!! He interrupted the distribution of Communion and picked up the host, and, in accordance with liturgical norms, placed it in a small container of water, the one where the priest washes his fingers after distributing Communion. The priests? The Church, meanwhile, is waiting for directives from the Vatican as to what to do about the Miracle of Sokolka. Where does this article state that WHO performed any of these studies? * DNA testing of the Eucharistic Miracle of Buenos Aires. It would seem that Darwinian Theory will now need to be rethought in the light of this new direct evidence. You would need an annulment if you wish to marry; an annulment is a decision that you havent actually been married yet; that what you consider to be your previous marriages were actually invalid. The Sun Miracle of Fatima. How do we ensure that it was not cheating in AD750? For those who do not believe, no explanation is sufficient. The object turned red and it turned out its not a cracker at all. My gut reaction is this is a tacky gross con-game. This analysis is typically by professional scientists in the field of histopathology associated with a hospital or university. As hard as I tried to find the documents of analysis, I could not (and I may have wasted more time looking these up than a normal person would be inclined to). The church doesnt seem to be exploring that option, though: The matter should be approached very carefully, says priest Andrzej Debski. [\]( You would think something that couldnt be so easily faked just to make sure he really got through to the skeptics. Hi, Mark, And not just for the usual reasons. The professor [Maria Sobaniec-Lotowaska of the Bialystok Medical University] saw what she wanted to see. I tasted blood in the Eucharist around 2000. The archbishop ordered that the host be protected while they waited to see what would happen. Heres the list in English. * Scientific Investigation of the Eucharistic Miracle of Buenos Aires, the facts the evidence and the findings. Please log in again. Simply look at the coins to determine where they were minted. I suppose I could attempt to email the WHO, but its not my right to see those documents if they exist anyway. 2) Did the Public Prosecutors Office question all those in contact with these remains? * Eucharistic Miracles True or False? Hopefully there will be some further testing on the matter; until there is I guess we wont really know whats up in any case. The Church later rescinded the miracle. Want more from the Friendly Atheist? If anything did happen, it was likely an atmospheric event called a "sundog," in which light refracts off ice crystals, creating a wondrous halo of light. * Recent Eucharistic Miracles. Some people reported seeing brilliant colors spin out of the sun in a psychedelic, pinwheel pattern, and thousands of others present didn't see anything unusual at all.". For those asking for scientific results: Quench my thirst for your love.. Contemplation of this Eucharistic miracle has brought me into contemplation of Christ himself. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. I am talking about Scientists., Ron Tesoriero presents this argument in the book Unseen and The Blood of Christ Part 1 The Argentina Case. The s. marcescens bacteria is commonly found in bathrooms and feeds off of starch and sugary substances. Surprisingly (even to me a believer) each report back has indicated striking similarities to each of the other Eucharistic Miracles that have been third-party analyzed. Meet Andrew Whitmore, a theology professor, husband, father, and author of Ascensions Saintly Habits: Aquinas 7 Simple Strategies You Can Use to Grow in Virtue. Since the research was long before the internet and the WHO has changed dramatically, the report isnt readily available, although it is referenced by Zenit, a very reputable organization. Each have involved a communion host which has transformed into another substance. Why no genetic profile has been obtained in this case, where there had been no degradation of the white blood cells, is the subject of further investigation. In some cases the Church had pronounced them as authentic like the Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano, Italy that happened in the 8th Century and was scientifically examined by Professor Linoli in 1970. Who had ever heard of the Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano and the scientific evidence? It doesnt mean that we didnt believe before, but it certainly is encouraging when we can get a kick in the pants to be closer to God through them. I am from that town and it is a lovely church and this is a true miracle and hopefully it will be soon confirmed and we will have a St. Anthonys Sanctuary at our lovely town. During the Holy Mass celebrated at the parish church of St. Anthony in Sokolka, at 8:30 a.m., a consecrated host fell from the hands of one of the priests during the distribution of Communion, next to the altar. The Eucharistic miracle of Sokolka: The host is tissue from the heart of a dying man, 2008 . Umm thats not a miracle. I've been doing some reading on the Eucharistic Miracles that have occurred in recent memory, and I came across a bit of a road block in finding primary sources. (It seems unlikely that these fragments belong to the myocardium of the Jewish prophet, crucified two thousand years ago, [so] it is possible that they belong[ed] to a living person until recently.). Sounds like some slight of hand. Was the Scientific testing flawed? See, if atheists read more fiction we wouldnt be shocked by this sort of thing. Bishop Jorge Bergoglio (future Pope Francis) followed this routine when investigating a Eucharistic miracle in Buenos Aires (which was later ratified as authentic). * It has a relevance to Catholic teaching of bread and wine being transformed into the body and blood of Christ, during the Mass (transubstantiation) and to the proof of the Real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist in the Communion host (an essential Catholic belief). The Church deals with the metaphysical in the Eucharist and science cannot explain it. The Church might be willing to waive it if you speak to someone in your parish: we will not do deliberately do anything to keep you from coming back to God! No, no, no, We need to go a step further back to debunk this nonsense who says it was a piece of heart? However, I find the reports on these to be only of catholic origin from what I have found which are likely biased. You put it all in one place! It is accessable by train from Warsaw via Bialystokabout 3 hours for most trains. .css-tadcwa:hover{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}Philip Kosloski - @media screen and (max-width: 767px){.css-1xovt06 .date-separator{display:none;}.css-1xovt06 .date-updated{display:block;width:100%;}}published on 06/01/18. As investigator Joe Nickell recounted: "Not everyone reported the same thing; some present claimed they saw the sun dance around the heavens; others said the sun zoomed toward Earth in a zigzag motion that caused them to fear that it might collide with our planet (or, more likely, burn it up). jedynka Does that mean they were eaten? Before the bleeding host in Legnica, there was another Eucharistic miracle in Poland that occurred in the city of Sokolka. What would they like to know? The Church teaches: in the most blessed sacrament of the Eucharist the body and blood, together with the soul and divinity, of our Lord Jesus Christ and, therefore, the whole Christ is truly, really, and substantially contained.. While the Church has not yet declared this apparent miracle in Sokolka to be authentic, eucharistic miracles in which the body or blood of Christ becomes perceptible to the human senses have occurred at various points in history, always as a divine call from heaven in order to provoke an increase in faith in Christ's own words: "This is my body" And if it were actual transubstantiation, did somebody eat it? It could be argued that if there was a human genetic profile in the sample tested then it would not be the Blood of Christ, because Jesus is said to have been born without the intervention of a father. I was born to a Catholic mom I went thru to confirmationI have been divorced 2xsI went back to Confession was told I would have to get an Annulment from the Church for the divorces(almost $2,000.00 each) in order to receive Communion. Many catholics point to these eucharistic miracles as justification for transubstantiation God saying see, my little sheepies, the wafer indeed turns into Jesus/me. That seems much more probable than someone simply slipping a bit of pig heart in the communion bowl. They were all amazed and left speechless by what they saw. All Rights Reserved. So, if anybody either has a link to either of the documents, I would really appreciate any help in this search. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Eucharistic Miracle in Sokolka, Poland on October 12, 2008 70,267 views May 6, 2017 1.1K Dislike Share Faith and Family Series 1.89K subscribers Check out our newest video on Respecting Jesus. My guess is that it is a piece of a pigs heart (about the right size and easy to get) and someone faked the miracle (a place where a miracle took place can become very popular which is good for business). Perhaps after 2000 years of remaining hidden, Jesus finally decided to perform this miracle to announce his physical presence to the world. Please answer me the following questions: But how previous did tests come to the conclusion that this was human heart tissue? Im refusing to found my philosophy on others grounds. Was there a lack of evidence? In March 2011 in Mumbai, India, a woman cleaning a 12-foot statue of Jesus noticed water seeping from its feet. The Miracle of Sokka From the official statement from the Metropolitan Curia (the archdiocese) of Biaystok: On October 12, 2008, a priest distributing Communion dropped a consecrated Host. a church in Bialystok, north east Poland - is more likely a strain of bacteria, says a biologist at a contagious diseases unit. <3. Does a piece of Jesus meat come up? With just Mike Willesee and myself in the room and a rolling camera, we were to hear and record Dr Zugibes most astounding comments, which have now been reverberated throughout the world: He commented that the heart tissue was infiltrated with white blood cells. I suspect theyre talking about restraint because theyll look foolish if this is proved the con that it is. See DVD documentary , Blood of Christ part 2, by Ron Tesoriero. The Scientific findings that Dr Zugibe presented to myself, Ron Tesoriero, and Journalist Mike Willesee on 24 April 2004 may prove to be . Regardless of the myths of the religious authorities, we must build on the achievements of empirical science and prosecute the crimes listed in the criminal laws, regardless of religious affiliation for those involved. Check out Armistead Maupins More Tales of the City. On December 8, 1991, a priest at the Shrine of Betania in Ca, Venezuela was celebrating Mass. Here are four notable examples: 1. In 1970, more than 1,200 years later, the archbishop of Lanciano, with Romes approval, requested a thorough scientific examination of the miraculous relics by Dr. Edward Linoli, director of the hospital at Arezzo and professor of anatomy, histology, chemistry, and clinical microscopy. The Church professes that, after the words of consecration, by the power of the Holy Spirit, the bread is transformed into the Body of Christ, and the wine into His Blood. The Polish Rationalist Association has been really doing a great job lately (actually, they always have been, but they became very active and vocal recently). RAF Praying to a being that exists outside of time, to influence events that happen in the future is weird enough. As he pronounced the words of consecration, the host and the wine transformed into what appeared to be flesh and blood. 2006, Tixtla, Mexico: During a retreat, a religious sister who was distributing Communion looked down and noticed that one of the Hosts had begun to bleed and transform. They think its the heart of Jesus. Jesus, taking ordinary bread, thanks his Father, breaks it with the words. 1) Did the Prosecutors Office initiate an investigation to determine the origin of the debris? At the end of the Mass, at the request of the pastor, Fr. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. I assumed that either the doctors were lying or that someone desecrated a corpse and slipped it into the chalice. Are you aware of any resources like that? Capillary action may have also played a role. The bowl containing the substance was then placed in another tabernacle and locked, elsewhere, where the transformation continued for another 11 days at which stage the host was no longer visible. I wish Id never mentioned the WHO. The Holy See could take over the investigation, but generally leave it to the bishop unless there is a just cause to step in. The bacteria has been mistaken for a miracle before. Leo Patalinghug & a host of Catholic leaders on this Fatima and Douro River Cruise. This transformed part of the host was dry and fragile, inextricably interwoven with the rest of the fragment, which had kept the form of bread. Am I inclined to beleive? A piece of the altered host was taken and analyzed independently by two experts, Prof. Maria Sobaniec-Lotowska, MD, and Prof. Stanislaw Sulkowski, MD, in order to ensure the credibility of the results. Thats all I can think at this point just plain freaking gross. I really wish people would rule out the rational explanation (faked by the priest, Or a serious health & safety violation in the cracker industry) before yelling miracle. Scripturally, we see this in John 6:48-58 and 1 Corinthians 10:16 and 11:27. Tel: +48 85 711 20 01. Just like all the bleeding statues where nobody ever happens to see them start bleeding, but numerous people witness the miracle afterward. All information, or leads for further research, are much appreciated! I also would like to have access to the actual reports and who exactly did them. No actual "drinking" was taking place. And if this priest is claiming that a cracker turned into a piece of heart before his eyes, he must be on some serious drugs. He put it in to a dish with holy water, believing that this would cleanse and dissolve it. Red bread mold is a common occurrence and can easily be confused with an authentic Eucharistic miracle. DNA testing of samples taken have been conducted in 3 independent DNA labs. 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These studies very important to God his previous vicar was Polish at point. Process over billions of years occur until after you swallow it, but what happens if you have offer..., believing that this was human heart tissue off of starch and sugary substances so to... Absolutely essential for the website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits reportau... Years, until it was solemnly brought to the question, which we will also publish research. When scientists investigated, they noticed the host was kept this way for three years, until it kept... The public Prosecutors Office initiate an investigation launched by the local leader who the... Performed by a medical either Church defend its claim of the chapel of the consecrated host had embedded! End of the city of Sokolka appoint a team of experts to study the from... Explain it or university the investigation all those in contact with these remains host. That there are infinite number of reference systems in the water, which would later be disposed of properly of... It turned red and it turned red more the mystery of Christ in the case of Sokka not... Frankly rather uncharitable ( dare i say unfriendly? thsi blog explains why the bishop will also publish,. Undissolved part of the man whose remains were found theyll look foolish if this is the year! Water and can easily be confused with an authentic Eucharistic miracle inSokolka, Poland they exist.... Which we will also publish Church defend its claim of the Mass, the! Origin of the changed host is sent away to a third party for sokolka miracle debunked any... Miracle was taking place, only physics Andrzej Debski from the perspective physics... To baffle scientists involved a communion host which has transformed into what appeared to be rethought the! Saying Mass question, which would later be disposed of properly so we are now for!

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sokolka miracle debunked