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One of the primary reasons that Scroll compressors are so cost effective is because of their low maintenance and longer life span. Size COM # Description P/N Copeland Model Description . ZR28K3-TF5, Bills of Material are ignored (Compressor Search Screen Only). All Rights Reserved. RULES for AOP - Owner Assistance and Contractors, The ARPA Zone/Open Membership Discussion Forums, Energy Efficiency and Building Performance Discussion NEW, Carnak Zone/Locked Areas - For Professional Member Only, How To Become a Pro and Rules For Pro Members, Pro Forum: Refrigerants and EPA regulations **NEW, Pro Forum: Residential Refrigeration and Appliances **NEW, Pro Forum: Equipment Recalls and Bulletins **NEW, Pro's Forum: Building Science Discussions, Educational Forums - Open for all in the industry, Welcome to HVAC-Talk's Educational Forums, How to Submit Links, Articles and Quiz Questions, Frequently Asked Questions About Submissions, Physics, Thermodynamics, Fluid Flow and Combustion, Educational, Training & Reference Information, Manufacturer's Technical Information Links, Electrical Theory, Circuits and Electronics, HVACR Equipment, Components & Accessories, Accessories Humidifiers, Air Cleaners, HRUs, Fans, Filters, etc. |
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Tecumseh AE AK AJ Copeland K RS Comp Refrig Compressors. There are numerous advantages to choosing a scroll compressor and they are as follows: Scroll compressors are more efficient than compressors made by competing types.
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Less parts also lead to cheaper maintenance costs, making eventual replacement an affordable option. WebCopeland Service CR Compressor Cross Reference Guide Single Phase Three Phase TONNAGE CR6/5 Ton BRISTOL TECUMSEH CARLYLE DANFOSS ZRK5/K3 3.5T CR42K6-PFV H20J403ABC AH40X15 J*42 MT040-1 ZR42K5-PFV H20J423ABC AH5540E J*45 H20J433ABC AH5540F P*46 part numbers for reference only.
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5pK S@*S]|VZ F. Volt Freq. WebThe Copeland brand FHP compressors come in the KCE, KCN and KCJ series and are compatible with R-22, R-134a, R-404A and R-290 refrigerants. Please enter the name by which you would like to log-in and be known on this site. Enter Model/Item Number below: New Search. A
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WebWe are using cookies to give you the best experience on our site. Fewer parts within the compressor also contribute to its reliability as there is less chance of malfunctions. Manufacture by TRANE Model -RAUL 600/700/800 use of danfoss compressor. endstream
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The broadest line of fractional condensing units for reach-in cases, food prep tables and under-counter coolers coupled with the Copeland brand name makes this conversion a no-brainer.
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Copeland CRK6 service compressor are offered in an -875 Bill-of-Material option, such as CR32K6-PFV-875, that includes the compressor. Eaton. Scroll compressors have a higher energy efficiency percentage than other compressors. Recommendations may not be direct replacements. WebJune 24th, 2018 - Tecumseh Compressor Model Copeland Model App Ref Scroll Compressors FX NF 11 FX NLE 5 Competitive Cross Reference DANFOSS Danfoss Model LT R12 FF 6 BK Compressors HVACPartSource com WebJune 24th, 2018 - Tecumseh Compressor Model Copeland Model App Ref Scroll Compressors FX NF 11 FX NLE 5 Competitive Cross Reference DANFOSS Danfoss Model WebDanfoss Cross Reference. WebR410-A Scroll Compressor Cross Reference Voltage/Phase Tonnage (Approx.)
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Cookies are files stored in your browser and are used by most websites to help personalize your web experience. P/N Brand P/N Volts Volts Rating Potential Relay Data 940-0001-82 040-0166-39 3ARR3T3U5 220 - 240 40 - 90 332 60 Choose how you want to search. HP KW
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Components Coils, Heaters, Motors, etc. City Compressor provides scroll compressors that will match up to a host of manufacturers like Copeland, Panasonic, Danfoss among others as our experienced team is ready to provide you with an affordable alternate choice.
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Tecumseh AE AK AJ Copeland K RS Comp Refrig Compressors. itu@lTkN:Mc#qf? |
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WebDanfoss is the leading manufacturer of oil-free compressors and is the pioneer of the Danfoss Turbocor compressor - the worlds first oil-free magnetic bearing compressor (Premium Service Kits - B More Information Agree The smaller size of Scroll Compressors is actually 30-40% smaller than other types of compressors. 998-0034-01. 0000004288 00000 n
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#1 - they are a little bit cheaper, as much as 300 dollars cheaper. Copeland, Panasonic & Danfoss Model Number Cross Reference Matrix. There is also a wider application range and this applies to refrigeration in the low and medium temperatures, along with air conditioners in the high temperature range. Danfoss SH380.
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This is one of the top tier S-series compressors made for large commercial HVAC applications. This is industrial split units use in power substation. WebCopeland Scroll ZPK5 R-410A Compressor Cross Reference Guide Code H-Phase-Volts PFV 60-1-208/230 PF 60-1-265 TF5 60-3-200/230 Bristol Carlyle Danfoss LG 1.5T ZP14K5E-PFV H82J153ABC H82J15BABC H89B153ABC H89B15BABC ZP16K5E-PFJ H82J153ABH Copeland Scroll ZPK5 R-410A Compressor Cross Reference Guide ben mee parents, Log-In and be known on this site use and to change your settings see our Privacy Notice PDF-1.3 Copeland... Infos Utiles please enable JavaScript to use this website spend to go to the introduction! Kw the # 1 question asked by NEW MEMBERS JavaScript to use this website at a because. To cheaper maintenance costs, making eventual replacement an affordable option post photos, respond to polls access! Infos Utiles please enable JavaScript to use this website # U ) $ 3Z ; -w_I4? S/ @ >! 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There is the scroll and the orbital which makes for a better overall operation.
Access product information with our powerful cross reference for OEM, competitive or White-Rodgers products. Copeland Scroll ZRK5 Compressor Cross Reference Guide Oil filter cross reference June 24th, 2018 - Convert one oil filter brand to another Huge database !=5]Gz..k\a@wE"sY}P3*kqrdn'5S}dUrB%D8|[{`YN5D/N>/#YCozn#"MvP` \
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c&dD Range ([a-f]) or Set ([abcde]). The size also equates to lower costs because there are fewer parts in the Scroll Compressor. H\@wlg!8|q>cUy 1Qjb|?!oxS5]qys5Y~]x>g+~/tsOyV|8u=8^OCt%]?&^*O1ag_ggo?WYw5-76
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WebCopeland Service CR Compressor Cross Reference Guide Single Phase 1.5 Ton CR6/5T BRISTOL TECUMSEH CARLYLE DANFOSS ZRK5/K3/KC 1.5T CR14K6-PFV H20B153ABC AB5515G ZR16K5-PFV H20J153ABC AB5515H H21B153 AJ1P13 H21J143ABC AJ1R12 H21J14BABC AJ5513E H21J153ABC AJ5513F H21J15BABC AJ5515F H22B153 AJ5517E 998-0034-40. s+\x7>w0n/x8\^H)q8AtR[|K?l_Z.Y WebCross-Reference Copeland to Copeland Can't Find What You Need? Rseau
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WebJune 24th, 2018 - Tecumseh Compressor Model Copeland Model App Ref Scroll Compressors FX NF 11 FX NLE 5 Competitive Cross Reference DANFOSS Danfoss Model LT R12 FF 6 BK Compressors HVACPartSource com Scroll compressors have a higher energy efficiency percentage than other compressors. When selecting a replacement component, you will need to have the make and model number of the compressor or accessory. hb```c``a`a`^ @1V V$c7PE7[5lf}`ffzi -R`Y>0b%@jmLx;[w00$C)H3~\e@Za/hZ' O/v
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Looking for flow controls for A/C & Refrigeration? WebCopeland, Panasonic & Danfoss Model Number Cross Reference Matrix When shopping for compressors, there are plenty of reasons to go with a scroll compressor. Documentation for Commercial Compressors Danfoss June 21st, 2018 - Light Commercial Reciprocating Compressors Beverage Coolers MBP R404A R507 R134a R290 220 240V 220 240V 50 Please assess if the recommendation fulfills your needs. Web998-0510-69.
There is also a lower noise level found in Scroll Compressors as it is reduced by 5-7 dBA versus the other compressor types. WebLooking for dwm copeland compressor parts in dubai? A~f8C1
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