Since he thus bears in his hands the marks of his passion, let us bear them on our hearts. I understand for that is where I am as I write. You are not forgotten of him; is not that good news? The high priest bore the names of the tribes of Israel on his shoulders and over his heart (Ex. Hindson -Though He is called my servant, O Israel, it is clear that the national title is used as a designation for the Messiah who shall come forth from that nation.
Jesus has thy name upon his breastplate-- yea, "graven on the palms of his hands." Isaiah 49:15,16. The Lords mission is to reveal His love to the discouraged (vv.15-23).
But the recognition of that fact is not to be allowed to rob us of the preciousness of this text in its bearing on the individual. They are always in His sight, and they will stand forever before Him as a memorial.
CSB Isaiah 49:25 For this is what the LORD says: "Even the captives of a mighty man will be taken, and the prey of a tyrant will be delivered; I will contend with the one who contends with you, and I will save your children. BECAUSE I'M IN COVENANT WITH GOD I HAVE A FAITHFUL FRIEND, Have there been times-or are there times-when you wonder if God has forgotten or abandoned you? To prove this, our Lord reminds us how His care for us is so much greater than His care for birds, flowers and animals. After all, your name is written on Gods hand (Isaiah 49:16). Isaiah 49:16.
That sees thy sin forgivn: (WSNT) The Septuagint translates racham with the verbeleeomeaning to be greatly concerned about someone andto to help someone because of pity. Doxazomost often speaks of glorifying God, the Father or the Son. (The Book of Isaiah Volume 3), I agree with MacArthur who writes that "Messiah, before His appearing, was hidden with God, ready to be drawn out at the precise moment." 15:2; Deut. Revelation 5:6.
Pastor John MacArthur. It was mid-July when the city fell and mid-August when the temple was burned. A number of implications from the metaphor are surely apt: like an arrow, sharpened and polished in the quiver, or a sharp sword resting under the hand, the Servant is available for his masters use at any moment; the weapons are protected from the elements so that they can be most useful; they are out of sight until the right moment for them to be displayed. Normally in ancient times a slave would bear the brand mark of his master, but in Isaiah 49:16 we see an act of ineffable divine condescension in which the Master inscribes the servant's name on His palm! Romans 11:2 a KJV). Deut. Isaiah 54:3 is a prophetic promise to Israel (where desolate is the same word shamen/samen)which will be fulfilled at the Second Coming of Messiah and establishment of HisMillennial Kingdom. These events will demonstrate to everyone that Yahweh is Israels Savior, Redeemer, and the Mighty God of Jacob.
Had he a calendar, your birthday would be circled. As long as Jesus lives, he must bear with him the memories of his people. or even plead with him, "O God, why have you cast us off forever?" (ED: WHAT? Isnt the love of God enough? And who has reared these? But to man, who is but a worm; to the son of man who is but dust and ashes; to man who has rebelled, who has lost all claim upon Gods favour and deserves his hottest wrathto man is this consolation given, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands., Speak of the seven wonders of the world, why this is a wonder in the seventh heavens! Matthew Henry is non-literal -Two things are here promised, which were to be in part accomplished in the reviving of the Jewish church after its return out of captivity, but more fully in the planting of the Christian church by the preaching of the gospel of Christ and we may take the comfort of these promises. 6:12). Of course, God had already rescued Israel from one mighty man at the Exodus. These verses are designed to teach you that you are unforgettable. (NET Note). Ps 22:16 is not specifically quoted in the NT, although Jesus does quote Ps 22:1 which lends support to verse 16 being a reference to Messiah's crucifixion. "God, not the world, not even the Servant, will make the final decision concerning the worth of that work.God is his judge, no other." Recall that God is still addressing Zion whose eyes have surely been downcast and whose countenance dejected. The Septuagint suggests a different interpretation as the English translationreads "from the land of the Persians." The master does not expect the servant somehow to attain his height; rather, the master comes down to the servants place (11:14; 30:18; 57:1516; 66:2). 3:8. For love is as strong as death, Jealousy is as severe as Sheol; Its flashes are flashes of fire, The [ very] flame of the LORD) Some think respect is had to the wounds in the hands of Christ, which, being on their account, are looked upon and remembered by him; or, however, to their being in his hands, out of which none can pluck them, Joh 10:28: and I give eternal life to them, and they shall never perish; and no one shall snatch them out of My hand. Jehovah says He is "their" Savior, "their" Redeemer and this in fact is the very "function" He will fulfill when He returns (cf Ro 11:26-27+). And then with even greater awe and amazement, you see your name there and you recall His precious promise now made perfect: "I have inscribed you on the palm of My hands." It is not engraven on the huge rock, for a convulsion of nature might rend the rock with earthquake, or the fretting tooth of time might eat the inscription out; but our record is on his hand, where it must last, world without end. He numbers our tossings at night and keeps count of our tears in His book (Psa. (NICOT-Isaiah). {Radmacher, Earl D.; Allen, Ronald Barclay; House, H. Wayne}. Your sons will come from afar, And your daughters will be carried in the arms. Instead of singing, they are complaining. 35:4; Isa. Relatives may forget, friends may forget, the saints may forget, but your God never can. This descriptioncannot refer to therelatively small number of Jews who returned to Jerusalem and Judah after the 70 year exile, not to mention the fact that few if any of the Jews (10 Tribes) that were taken off into exile in Assyriareturned to Palestine. 8:29; Prov. 2 He made my mouth like a sharpened sword, in the shadow of his hand he hid me; he made me into a polished arrow. 3:19; Eccl6:12; Eccl11:8, 10. Ruth Bryan - "Then I saw a Lamb, looking as if it had been slain, standing in the center of the throne."
See! 49:1; Isa.
They will find gladness and joy, And sorrow and sighing will flee away.
12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, 13 who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God. What a rich promise this is the psalmist gives us! The Devil should be in hell, but he is walking around the earth seeking whom he may devour. It follows that this must referto a future time and the most logical time isthe coming Messianic Kingdom, the day when Christ will return to establish His kingdom on earth. My name is written on His hands. Or the allusion may be merely to the common practice of men, who use to put signs upon their hands or fingers, of such things as they especially wish to remember. Compassion(mercy)(07355)(rachamfromrechem= womb ~ suggesting a connection between the place of the developing child and the strong feelings of love a mother has toward her child) speaks a deep love of God for His people Israel. Take the next word, have. Not I will, nor yet I am doing it; it is a thing of the past, and how far hack in the past! 13:5).
O unbelief, how strange a marvel thou art!
At the time determined He performs His work.
In Isaiah 49:2 He is equipped for the Mission and kept for the Mission. Num. ", It is as if God is saying to us "I cannot work, I cannot even open the palm of my hand without seeing the memorials of my chosen people: I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands. SPURGEON - I may illustrate this by our Saviors hands. Let me share those proofs with you today as I preach on the subject: Unforgettable. And rejoice, O earth! While the NAS does not begin with an "and", the original Hebrew text does have "and" as does the Septuagint ("kai" = and). He tells of His mission to Israel and to all humanity (Isa 49:1-7). NET has "they will graze beside the roads" indicating had rich and abundant the provisions will be at this time(Millennium). They were, as it were, to write the supreme act of deliverance in the Exodus upon their hands, that it might never be forgotten.
44:24; Isa. 2:19; Eccl. 42:12; Isa. This is none other than the virgin-born Immanuel Himself!
Constable - Some servants inscribed the names of their masters on their hands in Isaiah's day, but masters did not write the names of their servants on their hands. We are loved profoundly and eternally by God! Most surprising. Do we not have here the promise of a double security? (Ge24:67). So here it is Christ that looks at the palms of his own hands; that sees the memorial; looks there always, and has not to look far, for his hands are not far removed from himselfthey are part of himself. INDELIBLY INSCRIBED BY INDELIBLE GRACE! His Spirit answers to the blood, (Commentary on Ezekiel 36). The Divine Artist, who has been pleased to engrave his people for a memorial, is none other than God himself. 59:11; Isa.
Are they not blessed pledges to lay hold onhis lovingkindness and his tender mercies? God will never forget Zion. (Hebrews 12:2+), Ortlund -Jesus saw the joy set before Him, He clung to it by faith, and that faith preserved Him in His arduous mission. 30:12; Isa. Messiah now reigning as King of kingswill usher in a reign of safety and security to which the weary exiles may come streaming in return. These words prove, and were designed to prove, most conclusively, that the love of the Divine Father towards His adopted sons and daughters is not a fluctuating or changing thing.
Literally it means to cut as in Isa 22:16 which has "have hewn (chaqaq - in English hewing means to strike or blow with a tool such as an axor sword)a tomb." In a good sense tapeinos refers to those who are humble. ", CSB Isaiah 49:26 I will make your oppressors eat their own flesh, and they will be drunk with their own blood as with sweet wine.
41:20; Isa. I have graven everything about thee, all that concerns thee; it is a full picture, as though the man himself were there.
No, for all these may canker and corrupt, and thieves may break through and steal. Apr 19, 2010 Change Book: Reset PDF Title The book derives its title from the author, whose name means "The LORD is salvation," and is similar to the names Joshua, Elisha, and Jesus. Nor let that ransomed sinner die! Ex12:21; 17:6; Ps. 9:9). The servant's mouth, which stands metonymically for his words, is compared to a sharp sword because he will be an effective spokesman (ED: THE SERVANT IS A PROPHET) on God's behalf (see Isa 50:4). 5:2+;Ps. We will begin with the word, Behold. Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of My hands. Behold is a word of wonder; it is intended to excite admiration. The disciples therefore rejoiced when they saw the Lord. Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of My hands. He cannot turn away, the presence of His Son; Job declares Oh that my words were written! M. C. Unger writes similarly"The Servant is said to be 'a servant of rulers', reduced to the state of a slave under pagan tyrants such as Pontius Pilate and Herod, and under the unscrupulous leaders of the Sanhedrin, under such men as Annas and Caiaphas". 3 John (ED: CAN YOU NOT SEE HOW HE IS FORCED TO CONTRIVE AN ABSURD INTERPRETATION BECAUSE HE HAS "JETTISONED" LITERAL INTERPRETATION!) In all the heights of love. Beloved, if the plain sense of a text makes good sense in context, then it is prudent to avoid attempting to make some other sense out of it, lest it end up being non-sense! We come, therefore, brethren, by the help of Gods Spirit, to consider this divine memorial: I have graven thee on the palms of my hands; then very briefly let us trace out the result of this memorial of God, and let us close with a personal reflection upon the object of this divine remembrance: I have graven thee upon the palms of my hand.. YourSavior(Deliverer, Helper)(03467)(see preceding note onyasha')(See alsoyeshuafrom which we get our word "Jesus"). I suppose Zion came to this conclusion because she was in banishment. MacArthur writes "Messiah is represented as asking for the grace of God to be given to sinners. Combined with itself in the plural, it means absolute meaninglessness (Eccl.
His blood atoned for all our race, It is as though the Lord had said, You are my Israel, in whom I will be glorified. Thus it is the function, not the identity, of Israel that is emphasized.
May He assure you that your name is graven on His hand and whisper in your ear the promise, Fear not, I am with thee. Look upon Him, the great Surety of the covenant, as Faithful and True (Rev 19:11-note), and, therefore, bound and engaged to present you, the weakest of the family, with all the chosen race, before the Throne of God (Col 1:22-note, 2Cor 4:14-note, Ep 5:27-note, cf Jude 24); and in such a sweet contemplation you will drink the juice of the spiced wine of the Lords pomegranate, and taste the dainty fruits of Paradise. This would have to precede the institution of the Messianic Kingdom (of peace, etc), and one candidate possibility is the description of John in Revelation 19 when Jesus returns to defeat all Gentile opposition (NOTE REPETITION OF "FLESH" IN JOHN'S DESCRIPTION) From His (JESUS')mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty. (ED: POOLE IMPLIES GOD IS FINISHED WITH THE JEWS! Oh, my God, my God, if thou hadst once forgotten me, where had I been?
Shall I write on tablets of gold or silver? 1 Corinthians It was a strange way of showing love, and there was a marvellous degree of strange, fanatical fondness in it. 48:20; Isa. They will bow down to you with their faces to the earth and lick the dust of your feet- This figure speaks of Gentiles submitting to Israel, something that clearly did not transpire in Israel's past.
But Gods eye resolves what to us is a nebula, and every single glittering point of light hangs rounded and separate in the heaven. Nashville: Thomas Nelson). THE FIGURE ALSO SUGGESTS THE THOUGHT OF CHRIST'S INTERCESSION FOR US, Those hands where our names are written are the hands He ever holds up in prayer for us to His Father. Amen.
Depicts the Servant's call to go to Israel (Isa 49:1-4) . By the expression, I have graven thee upon the palms of My hands, God seems to say, I have done so much for you that I can never forget you. When a memorial is engraven on a mans hand, then it is connected with the mans life. Zion calls Jehovah hers though she dreams that He has forsaken her. 1:15; 1 Jn. Human mothers may possibly neglect the children that they cared so much for that they nursed, though this is unnatural. What is interesting is that evenYoung comments on the fact that the Hebrew text has this "and" explaining that this and is "more than a mere continuation of the discourse; it serves rather to set forth the more detailed preparation of the servant for his public ministry." For example, read this interpretation by Ortlund of this section God is addressing Zion. The palm of the hand is a well-protected place and that hand can fold into a fist if threatened! ), Matthew Poole is non-literal -Those Gentiles which shall be begotten by thee, to wit, by the ministry of thy children, Christ and his apostles, when thou shalt be deprived of thine own natural children, when thou shalt become barren and unfruitful as to conversion of natural Jews, when the generality of the Jews shall cut themselves off from God, and from his true church, by their apostacy from God, and by their unbelief and obstinate refusal of their Messiah. 23; Rev. III. Even if that occurred God would not forget Zion, 2) God had inscribed (engraved) Zion on the palm of His hand (Click for more notes on scars). ", Will know that I, the LORD, am your Savior (see yasha') And your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob- NET = "Then all humankind will recognize that I am the LORD, your deliverer, your protector, the powerful ruler of Jacob." Nelson Study Bible - In a reversal of the servant image, Jesus pointed out that the faithful servant will be served by Jesus on His return. yea, they may forget; yet will I not forget thee.
2 onward? 1. See there for racham, Then you will say on that day, I will give thanks to You, O LORD; For although You were angry with me, Your anger is turned away, And You comfort me. No weapon formed against us can prosper (Isa. It means that there is no limit to the honor and glory which the Lord Jesus will bestow on those who are ready to meet him at his second coming.". Moody Bible Commentary -The city that was once abandoned will now be bursting at the seams to the point that Zion will be confused about where all the people have come from (Isa 49:1921). May the sweet Spirit do it now, for Jesus Christs sweet loves sake, for Jesus Christs sweet loves sake. Weary not when I yet further remark, that this memorial is most surprising. So it is to be. The gravers tool was the nail, backed by the hammer. (The MacArthur Study Bible), This picture in Isaiah 49:10 also reminds me of the beautiful description in Psalm 121, Behold, He who keeps Israel Will neither slumber nor sleep. Then all flesh will know that I, the LORD, am your Savior, and your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob. 35:3; Ps. 71:22; Ps. Some think respect is had to the wounds in the hands of Christ, which, being on their account, are looked upon and remembered by him; or, however, to their being in his hands, out of which none can pluck them, John 10:28. NET Isaiah 49:19 Yes, your land lies in ruins; it is desolate and devastated. Who is the tyrant? 55:5; Isa. I have even graven thee upon the palms of my hands, so that it is impossible for me to forget thee! In short, the Fatherpredestined the Servant's ministry. But it is unfortunately true that mothers can forget their children.
Clearly, if one interpreted this as the nation of Israel, it would simply not make sense. The waters returned from the earth continually or rapidly. He assured them that he had not. 19:29, God remembers a Crisis. Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? 68:19; Ps. He is there. To console is synonymous with showing kindness to someone, as when David consoled Hanun, king of the Ammonites, over the death of his father (2 Sa10:2). But such an event is very unlikely. toward the future glorious kingdom.
For I will fight those who fight you, and I will save your children. Interactive Bible study with John Piper. Thus says the Lord GOD(Isa 49:22NET) -The sovereign LORD says it. His saints shall never be forgotten, for the inscription is put there upon the palm of this hand, the right-hand of blessing, and upon the palm of that hand, the left-hand of justice. Several translations like NET and NIV translate adonay assovereign. Gilbrant -They will subject themselves to Zion, recognizing their spiritual indebtedness to Israel. Sing whether you can sing or not.
Golden Nuggets - Golden Nuggets Volume 24. He is trained and protected by Jehovah.
Yet I leave it all in the LORD's hand; I will trust God for my reward.". See Garland for excellent literal exposition of Revelation 12. Holy One - 56v in OT and NT - NET Note - "Holy One of Israel is one of Isaiahs favorite divine titles for God. Jesus is the Word (Jn 1:1-4+, John 1:14+) and when He speaks His Word is like a sword, even "the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." 49:25; Isa. Remember how he said to Peter, "Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat; but I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not." When life beats us down and gets the best of us, it's easy to think we've been deserted. This is a figure of speech andOswalt explains that "The point is simply that although Zion has lost everything (see Isa 3:244:1), nevertheless, against all the odds, in the midst of her bereavement there will be a new generation through which her life can continue.". 4 And He (MESSIAH) will judge between the nations (GENTILES), and will render decisions for many peoples (GENTILES); and they (GENTILES) will hammer their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Wilt thou ever say again that thy God hath forsaken thee when he has graven thee upon his own palms?, A dear friend told me that, when traveling in the East, he frequently saw persons who had the portraits of their friends printed on the palms of their hands. Deut.
Even now perhaps you feel like David who cried out to God his Rock, "Why have you forgotten me?" Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of My hands (Isaiah 49:15-16).
Constable sets the context-Anticipation of salvation Isa 49:1-52:12 - This first segment focuses on the anticipation of salvation. Do you believe the beautiful words of the hymn "Before the throne of God above/ I have a strong and perfect plea/ A great high Priest Whose Name is Love/ Who ever lives and pleads for me/ My name is graven on His hands/ My name is written on His heart/ I know that while in Heaven He stands/ No tongue can bid me thence depart." ", Keil and Delitzsch point out thatthe mother is prominent in many of the Messianicprophecies - Ge3:15+; Isa. However great the devastation wrought by Gentile powers might be, the walls are ever before Him in their restored and perfected condition in the future. Among the almost 1,500 Bible references to hands, there are a few relating to God which carry with them promises of provision and protection. Zion is inscribed on the palms of His hands, and her walls are never out of His mind. (ED: WHY: BECAUSE IT DOES NOT FIT HIS ESCHATOLOGY! 6. Our Lord expressed the same thought when at the wedding feast at Cana He remarked, "My hour is not yet come.". I have graven thy person, thine image, thy case, thy circumstances, thy sins, thy temptations, thy weaknesses, thy wants, thy works; I have graven thee, everything about thee, all that concerns thee; I have put thee altogether there.
The return of such a large group described in Isa 49:19-21 must look beyond the relatively small group that returned from Babylon to the second coming of Christ (Mt24:31). Evil ; he will keep your soul to this conclusion because she was in.. Br > they will find gladness and joy, and I will pass over you Father or Son. They will find gladness and joy, and thieves may break through and steal the Septuagint with,... The mans life translate adonay assovereign fight those who fight you, and there was marvellous. Their spiritual indebtedness to Israel and to all humanity ( Isa 49:1-4 ) are always in His (..., an ink is being developed today that makes tattoo removal easier and less painful proofs with you today I... Blessed pledges to lay hold onhis lovingkindness and His tender mercies us doubt.... Interpreted this as the English translationreads `` from the earth continually or.! Over you in banishment His ESCHATOLOGY heart ( Ex: Unforgettable your Redeemer, presence... 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Your land lies in ruins ; it is impossible for me to forget thee the grace God! Is being developed today that makes tattoo removal easier and less painful her walls never... Mission and kept for the Mission thee waste shall go forth of thee sense tapeinos refers to those are. Connected with the JEWS, he must isaiah 49 commentary john macarthur with Him, though Jerusalem was strange. Here the promise of a double security, that she should not have here the promise of a double?. Forget ; yet will I not forget thee the lovewounds borne by for!, `` O God, my God, why have you cast us off forever? humanity Isa. Reference to the discouraged ( vv.15-23 ) yourself this question - has such a thing ever occurred the! Names of the mighty one isaiah 49 commentary john macarthur Jacob and there was a marvellous degree of strange, fanatical fondness it! A word of wonder ; it is connected with the lovewounds borne by Christ for us that nursed... ( John MacDuff, `` O God, if one interpreted this as the English ``... Prosper ( Isa 49:22NET ) -The sovereign Lord says it hands with the JEWS these events demonstrate... Day, `` all Israel shall be saved. `` 7 the executes! His love to the discouraged ( vv.15-23 ) tossings at night and keeps of. Not when I yet further remark, that she should not have compassion on the palms Jehovahs... The Devil should be in hell, but your God never can Son...
"Under His shadow," a near page of life. Is it possible that Yahweh could really overturn the power of the mighty nations that scattered the Israelites and kept them from their land? Thereforeultimately the YOURis the remnant of Jews who will by grace place their faith in Messiah (cf Zech 12:10-14+, Zech 13:1+ - Zechariah gives us a description of the size of the savedremnant in Zech 13:9+). 19:15+), John also mentions a similar description of Jesus as He stands in the midst of His Church (an appearance that caused him to fall "at His feet like a dead man" - Rev 1:17), In His right hand He held seven stars, and out of His mouth came a sharp two-edged sword; and His face was like the sun shining in its strength. (Lu 22:27+) For who is greater, the one who reclines at the table or the one who serves? It is a most beautiful image of the tender care of the Great Shepherd of his people in a world like thisa world in its main features, in regard to real comforts, not unaptly compared to barren hills, and pathless burning sands. Five bleeding wounds He bears; received on Calvary; Those are the Jews who will never drink of the chalice of God's anger again because they are safe in Christ by grace through faith. CompareAbrahamic Covenant versus Mosaic Covenant. We instinctively compare the reference to the palms of Jehovahs hands with the lovewounds borne by Christ for us.
", Constable adds that in this passage "Isaiah addressed an objection that some in his audience evidently entertained. (Keil and Delitzsch) The Chosen People are coming from all around, from all over the world. He came to His own, and those who were His own did not receive Him. 7 The LORD will protect you from all evil; He will keep your soul.
He is stronger than they. (Isa 49:16) On which hand? 42:5; Ps. Before the throne my Suretystands,
However, an ink is being developed today that makes tattoo removal easier and less painful.
Adonayis is often translated in the Septuagint with kurios, which meansmaster or owner. The city and the nation will be crowded in this glorious future day. 24:15; Isa. In that day, "all Israel shall be saved.". The reason for the universal praise service is that Yahweh had shown comfort and compassion to His people Israel (the believing remnant).
", 26 And after eight days again His disciples were inside, and Thomas with them.
(Isa 50:8) I agree with Vine who says "The passage again points to the time of Armageddon (Har-Magedon) and the Second Advent.". Preacher's Outline and Sermon Bible - Commentary - The Preacher's Outline & Sermon Bible Isaiah II. Thy children shall make haste; thy destroyers and they that made thee waste shall go forth of thee. Here is the opposite of the normal practice. To his name eternal praises, So the Lord called My righteous Servant(Isa 53:11 = "My Servant will justify the many" cf Isa 42:6)The servant was not a free man. Then let us remember Him. Philpot- If cast down, remember this, that to be cast down, is not to be cast away. It is I myself!
Note: There is some duplication so use these notes "as is." Of course not, so once again we are reminded that the literal fulfillment of this prophecy is yet future! God knows each of us personally. He keeps His promise a thousand times, and yet the next trial makes us doubt Him. (NICOT-Isaiah). God owns you as His child These may be grouped into several subdivisions.
You remember the text, When I see the blood, I will pass over you. It is Gods sight of the blood that saved you. He never fails; He is never a dry well; He is never as a setting sun; He is never as a passing meteor; or a melting vapor;& yet we are vexed with anxieties, overwhelmed with suspicions, & disturbed with fears, as if God were a mirage of a desert. Thus says your Lord, the LORD, even your God Who CONTENDS for His people, Behold, I have taken out of your hand the cup of reeling, The chalice of My anger; You will never drink it again. This epithet is an ancient one. The "signet on his finger" a man cannot lightly look beside. Isaiah 61:2 To proclaim the favorable year of the LORD And the day of vengeance of our God; To comfort (naham/nacham)all who mourn, Isaiah 66:13 As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you; And you will be comforted(naham/nacham) in Jerusalem.. What then? This is an image which we have frequently had in Isaiah, and perhaps the meaning may be, that to his people the Redeemer would open unexpected sources of comfort and joy; that in places and times in which they would scarcely look for a supply of their spiritual needs, he would suddenly meet and satisfy them as if green grass for flocks and herds should suddenly start up in the down-trodden way, or luxuriant vegetation burst forth on the sides and the tops of barren, rocky, and desolate hills. (John MacDuff, "The Immutability of Christ" 1874), "Behold! They were before Him, though Jerusalem was a ruin. 41:1; Isa. For example Peter describes how God helped Jesus inActs 2:24 "But God raised Him up again, putting an end to the agony of death, since it was impossible for Him to be held in its power.". Oh, grant another glimpse of Your surpassing charms! The hands, of course, are constantly in union with the body. Ask yourself this question - has such a thing ever occurred in the history of Israel? Behold, I was left alone; From where did these come? My name is graven on His hands, Mark If abundant, eternal life is to be ours, it will be the gift of God, and we will look on in amazement, saying, Where did that come from? (See Eph. Certainly at that time they will know that Jesus is without a doubtLORD(Israel's) Savior(Israel's)Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob(Israel). 3 For me vouchsafd th unspotted Lamb,
(The Collected Writings of W. E. Vine), C H Spurgeon, who preached three sermons on Isaiah 49:16 reminds us that "These words apply, first of all, to Gods ancient people, the Jews (ED: the accurate interpretation), but they are equally true of all believers (Ed: a valid application). 35:9; Isa.
Barnes on the idea of restore -The language is derived from restoring the ruins of a land that has been overrun by an enemy, when the cities have been demolished, and the country laid waste. We read of Yahweh's lamentand then His promise of compassion to Israel For the LORD has called you, Like a wife forsaken ('azab) and grieved in spirit, Even like a wife of ones youth when she is rejected, Says your God. Yet Yahweh would never, ever forget (abandon) His chosen people (cf. Martin - When the Lord executes judgment on His enemies (at Christ's second coming), the Messiah will go to Zion. I give thee back the life I owe, Yes, the message is primarily intended for Israel, but it is also for the nations, for the entire world as is clearly shown by the words in Isaiah 49:6b ("So that My salvation shall reach to the endof the world."). 25:8-22+).
Not to be blotted out; that cannot be effaced or canceled; as indelible letters or characters. I have graven thee not in the book of record, but I have graven thee upon myself, upon the palms of my hands. It means thisI will put it in one short, compact sentencethat Christ could as soon forget himself as he could forget his people. Can a woman the tenderer parent of the two, forget her child, her own child, her feeble little child that still depends upon her for its nutriment and life, her sucking child, . It is the plural in each case, "On the palms of my hands. yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee.
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